Stephen V. Monsma (son of Mrs. Marie Monsma and the late Professor Martin Monsrna), is a member of the Michigan House of Representatives. As such, he is a member of committees on: Civil Rights, Colleges and Universities (Vice-Chairman), Economic Development, and Urban Affairs. His willingness to comply with a request to make this contribution available […]
TAKES ISSUE WITH “TIV CHURCH AND WHITE PATERNALISM” ARTICLE EUGENE RUBINGH Dr. Stephen Monsma’s article, The Tiv Church of Christ and White Paternalism, is a significant contribution but I believe it needs some correction. The correction is not, in my opinion, with regard to the viability of the Reformed seminary sponsored by the Tiv Church. […]
Dr. Stephen V. Monsma (Ph.D.) is chairman of the Political Science Department at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As a master’s student in political science, he specialized in African affairs, and his master’s thesis dealt with Nigeria. Presently, he is teaching a non-western politics course as an associate professor at Calvin. THE OUTLOOK appreciates […]