Preaching the Saints

Scripture establishes that Christians should follow the example of the biblical saints. The author of Hebrews, for example, explained Christian faith by pointing to the example of Abraham among others. Urging believers to imitate such faith, the author explained that “the world was not worthy” of them. James also appealed to the example of Abraham: […]

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Tension in Medieval Expositions

The Reformation cannot be isolated from the history that went before it. Even so, certain themes of the Reformation could be difficult to find during long periods of the medieval church. Two such themes were the normative position of the Scriptures and a strongly emphasized soteriology of justification by grace through faith alone. These two […]

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The Authority of Jesus

Attempts to explain the conflict between Jesus and the religious rulers of His day have become so well known that the modern church has learned several cliché answers. Some claim that the religious rulers were more wicked than the sinners who believed in Christ, and thus Christ condemned them. A similar claim is that Christ […]

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Sabbath Rest for the Christian Life

Some might consider the subject of ethics pertaining to the Sabbath to be minimally important in contemporary ethics. Accountability for the minister and his flock for this moral commandment is virtually non-existent on a human level. There are almost as many opinions as there are people on this matter, and attitudes vary from theological disagreement […]

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A Virtuous Woman Who Can Find? Proverbs 31:10–31

This passage is one of several that are often used to celebrate Mother’s Day, as it directly describes the practical, everyday life of one who is an example of a wise mother. However, I am not going to address this passage as if it were only for Mother’s Day. I think it is intended to […]

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