Kant, Jastrow, and the Theologians

God and the Astronomers, by Robert Jastrow: W.W. Norton and Co., New York; 1978, 136pp. Until the Sun Dies, Robert Jastrow: W.W. Norton and Co., New York; 1977, 172pp. Robert Jastrow comes with scientific credentials in order. He is the Director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies of NASA, professor of Astronomy and Geology […]

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Jay E. Adams: YOUR PLACE IN THE COUNSELlNG REVOLUTION. Nutley, N.J.; Presbyterian and Reformed, 1976. 44 pp. $ .95. Reviewed by William H. Kooienga, Glen Rock, N.J. Jay Adams continues to write at a pace faster than some are willing to read, The flow of books and pamphlets testifies to a great sense of purpose and […]

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