Alive in a Society of Death

Death Dregs Ancient Greece, on the edge of collapse, was a pleasure-driven society. The people’s primary objective was their own happiness. In a society that had revoked the gods and organized religion, happiness was whatever satisfied unbridled lust and desire. Men fornicated with countless women and as many men—and boys. Women offered their wares to […]

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What’s Behind the Food You Eat?

Food Rules Our society is riddled with various and contradictory ideas about food, and these ideas have penetrated our churches. Committed vegetarians proudly remind us that in their perfect state, Adam and Eve were herbivores and that Daniel’s complexion brightened on his greens and beans diet. Zealous, whole-foods folks point out that the Israelites—a people […]

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The Flower of Faith: Dry or Drowning?

When I was attending college I remember coming home over Christmas break and constantly hearing stories from my family about things they were doing to build God’s kingdom. I started asking myself what I was doing to help. I wasn’t attending a Bible study, sharing the gospel on campus, volunteering at a soup kitchen—nothing. Was […]

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The Freedom of Embracing Total Depravity

  Getting What I Deserve It was the same discussion we had many times before. He argued for God’s goodness and our utter depravity. As a good Calvinist, I couldn’t deny either. So my frustration mounted. “I know God is good and that I am wicked in myself. But to say that even my best […]

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Why Pray

      The Command and Benefits of Prayer It is hard work. It is not natural. It requires faith and patience and time. And it sometimes seems pointless. These are some of the reasons we, as Christians, don’t pray. Yet, faithful pastors and fellow Christians urge us to pray. With such compelling reasons against […]

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You Are What You See (and Hear)

What do you think about frequently?1 What does your mind run back to, consciously or not? How do these thoughts affect your lived life, desires, emotions? We often don’t realize it, but our thoughts shape our lives. Let me illustrate. A man meets a new co-worker. He soon discovers she is witty and intelligent (beside […]

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Why Give Honor and Respect?

America is not an honor society. Nor do we prioritize respect. Rather, disrespect is the norm. It is common for us to treat our elders as our equals (or inferiors). The model TV child is often one who disrespects and belittles his parents. We malign and mock our governing authorities. Employees slander their bosses. Husbands […]

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A Quiet Heart in a Chaotic World

Crumbling Foundations Are you afraid? Do you agonize over what will happen if you never get your job back? Does thinking about your children’s future frighten you? Do you lock and gate your storefront hoping to deter rioters and looters? Do you fear what will become of us if stronger countries take advantage of our […]

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