Unity in Diversity or Disunity in Unfaithfulness?

God’s Word defines a number of ways in which we are united as believers. The foundational unity of the people of God is the fact that we are united to Christ. John chapter 15 gives us a beautiful illustration of this unity as it describes the believer as the branches and Jesus Christ as the […]

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The Changing Face of Liberalism

During many discussions in the last twenty years with members of the Christian Reformed Church, I often made the charge that the church had become liberal. The response would almost always be the same. No matter how far they had strayed from the faith of their forefathers they would declare, “I am not liberal.” They […]

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Rob Bell, in keeping with the doctrinal declarations of Mars Hill church states, “I affirm the historic Christian faith, which includes the virgin birth and the Trinity and the inspiration of the Bible and much more”.1 Rob Bell’s View of the Trinity Rob Bell teaches about the doctrine –the flexible spring—called the Trinity with the […]

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