A coworker approaches you with questions about Reformed theology. He’s a new believer, and he’s curious about your theological convictions. Of course, you’re eager to suggest resources that can introduce him to a Reformed articulation of the faith. So where do you begin? First of all, your friend could join one of the scores of […]
Many people are silently suffering from depression. Their suffering is silent because for some reason they feel embarrassed to let others know that they are having times of despair. Why do they feel embarrassed to admit that they have depression? Let me suggest the following four possible reasons. 1. People with depression feel ashamed that […]
The word “mentor” or the verb “mentoring” is not in the Bible, but the concept certainly is. In Titus 2, Paul gives a good explanation what mentoring is, both for men and women. In this article I would like to focus on women. I have encountered many misconceptions about the whole idea of mentoring. This […]
Now, therefore, let me alone, that my wrath may burn hot against them, and I may consume them –Exodus 32:10 If we are at all familiar with the Old Testament, we know that God had given numerous laws and commands against the sin of idolatry. The first and second commands focus there with unmistakable clarity. […]
Many men today struggle with maintaining male friendships. This claim doesn’t need to be argued. We know it. I personally have a sporadic friendship track record. Particularly in my early years of ministry, my lack of male friendships was inhibiting the full expression of my humanity. I still have a long way to go. But […]
The righteous considers the cause of the poor. –Prov. 29:7a What does the word poverty make you think of? Some of you might instantly think of starving, orphaned children in Africa. For others, a war-torn country may come to mind. Others might think of a natural disaster where victims have been stripped of all earthly […]
Food Rules Our society is riddled with various and contradictory ideas about food, and these ideas have penetrated our churches. Committed vegetarians proudly remind us that in their perfect state, Adam and Eve were herbivores and that Daniel’s complexion brightened on his greens and beans diet. Zealous, whole-foods folks point out that the Israelites—a people […]
In two previous articles we were taught that God’s sovereign control over all that takes place in our lives should teach us patience in adversity and thankfulness in prosperity. In this article we want to observe that God’s sovereign control over all things also teaches us “good confidence in our faithful God and Father’s love.” […]
Rev. Corey Dykstra came to the end of his short earthly pilgrimage on Saturday, June 22, 2019. All the families of the Walker United Reformed Church, in Walker, Michigan, were notified by phone that evening that our brother had taken his own life. We do not know the reason for his action that afternoon, and […]
My heart remains heavy as I start a new week. Three days ago I attended a funeral of a mom from our community who took her own life, leaving a husband, children, grandchildren, friends, and community to grieve. My mind cannot yet wrap itself around yet another suicide in our small, hard-working, close-knit town. I […]