Book Review: Exoneree

Exoneree. Uriah Courtney with Glenda Mathes. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2017. 221 pages. Uriah Courtney was mistakenly identified and wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for eight years for kidnap and rape. His is a story of one unbearable trial after another and how the Lord used those trials to produce a very godly man. Uriah grew […]

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Comfort and Hope in Affliction

“ For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” (Jer. 29:11) One frequently hears the words of Jeremiah 29:11 quoted by people to encourage others who are in despair. They quote the text as though […]

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Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 11 Background Reading: Joshua 21:1–19; Genesis 38:12–26 Introduction If we focus only on the long lists of names that fill Nehemiah 11, we will easily be disappointed. We might see little or no benefit in spending time in this chapter. We might be inclined to look elsewhere for more exciting stories. To […]

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God’s Word in Every Language

In many churches around the world, Christians gather to hear the Word of God preached in a language they know and understand best. In most of these churches, Bibles in that language are available. Thus, people can easily access God’s Word and follow along with the pastor to verify if what is being taught is […]

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IRBC’s Second Step of Counseling

Step 2: Collect Data An important part of the first step of counseling involved providing crucial information to the counselee; this was biblically-based information that will help him or her regain perspective on the sovereignty of God. The second step involves getting crucial information from the counselee; information that will help the counselor gain an […]

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Two Extremes to Be Avoided in Preaching

Preaching as If Everyone in the Congregation Is Saved Years ago I received an email from a member of a certain congregation. This person, whom I did not know personally at the time I received the email, was wondering why their pastor preached as if everyone in their church was saved. And because their pastor […]

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Spiritual Check-Up for the URCNA: The Elders

Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. (Acts 20:28, King James Version) How healthy is the URCNA? We have been considering two barometers of spiritual health so far—love for […]

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The Great Commission Jesus issued to the church involves making disciples of all nations. It’s clear from the book of Acts that the disciples engaged this mandate chiefly through preaching and the subsequent establishment of churches. Once constituted, these churches were then, as they are today, to reengage the Great Commission by making disciples of […]

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In a Few Words

A remnant is that which remains from a larger original piece, amount, or group. In reference to God’s people, it is those who remain faithful to his Word even through opposition and while others follow into apostasy. “Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall […]

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