Book Review

Teellinck, Willem. The Path of True Godliness, tr. by Annemie Godbehere, ed. by Joel R. Beeke. Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2006. Reviewed by Rev. J. Wesley White. Have you ever wished that you had a little manual to help show you how to live the Christian life? Perhaps someone to guide you through […]

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Paedocommunion: Concluding Observations In the course of my treatment of the subject of paedocommunion, I have considered the principal arguments of advocates of paedocommunion and found them unpersuasive. Despite the insistence of paedocommunionists that the Reformed churches have failed to recognize the implications of the inclusion of the children of believing parents in the covenant, […]

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The Covenant of Works in Dutch Reformed Orthodoxy

The doctrine of the covenant of works has come under fire once more in Dutch Reformed churches. Some Dutch Reformed Christians have called the covenant of works an unscriptural theory that must be rejected outright. The covenant of works, they say, has traces of Arminianism or Roman Catholicism in it. Of course, the battle rages […]

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Read Exodus 9:1–12 In the fifth and the sixth plagues we see once more how God makes a distinction between His people and between Pharaoh’s people. God’s hand distinguishes between the livestock of the Hebrews and the livestock of the Egyptians. Likewise, God will distinguish between the Hebrews and the Egyptians regarding the sixth plague. […]

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What is Reformed Worship? (II) It is Historical

“Part of the richness of our identity as Christians is that we are saved into a historic people.” As a young, rootless, evangelical Christian, the Reformed Church attracted me with its wonder, its mystery, and its historicity in theology and worship. I came to learn that as Christians, we are saved by Christ and into […]

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Rahab and the Spies

“As soon as we heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any courage in any man because of you. For the Lord your God, He is God in heaven above, and on the earth beneath.” (Joshua 2:11) Throughout the Book of Joshua we read of God commanding the Israelites to destroy the […]

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