So far in our study of the question of paedocommunion, we have primarily focused upon the historical evidence for and against the practice of admitting children to the Lord’s Supper. We have argued that the evidence from church history is ambiguous, and cannot be cited as a sufficient basis either for embracing or rejecting the […]

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A Victorious Message

The message of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a message of victory. It is a message that has swept the world for centuries beginning already on that first Easter Sunday when the women ran from the tomb to inform the disciples of the good news they had heard. This incredible message did not start […]

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Why Crucify, Why not Stone?

They stoned Stephen. We read in John that they twice attempted to stone Jesus. After Judas led them to the secluded place where they arrested Jesus, they had a company of soldiers; they could have stoned Him then. They had laid the charge of blasphemy repeatedly; they had an explicit commandment for the mode of […]

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Article 32: Of the Power of the Church in Establishing Ecclesiastical Laws and Administering Discipline In taking up Article 32 of the Belgic Confession, we ought to recognize that it concludes a large section on the doctrine of the church in particular (art. 27–32), while leading into a discussion of the sacraments of the church […]

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Celebrating the Lord’s Day, Part One

Why is the Sunday, the traditional day of rest and Christian worship in the US and Canada, on the retreat? It has become a day of work, not one of rest. Yet people seldom work on Sunday if they can help it: they use it for their own pleasure instead. Sports events draw greater crowds […]

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God’s Salvation from Eternity to Eternity Part Two

Justification Justification is another part of God’s orderly plan of salvation for man. It follows the preceding parts, namely, the calling, regeneration, conversion, and faith. The apostolic church of the New Testament was enthusiastically following the instructions of their Master. As a consequence, the gospel spread throughout Asia Minor and beyond, and, as a result, […]

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The Incarnate Word of God

Holy Scripture maintains the fundamental doctrine that God takes the initiative and speaks to the human race in a number of ways. Two of the principal channels of the divine communication are mentioned in the opening sentence of the epistle to the Hebrews. The apostle here calls our attention to a progression in the revelation […]

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