Ecumenicity and the Local Church (II)

Looking out my study window across the parking lot, I enjoy a lovely view of a church building. No, not the church I serve as pastor, but a small Lutheran church next door. I had met the former pastor once or twice in the nearly six years we’ve been in Dallas, but there‘s a new […]

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Martin Luther: The Law and the Gospel

Around October 31, Martin Luther is remembered far and wide in the United States among evangelical protestants as a hero of the faith. We look back at Luther as a pioneer, as a profound theologian, as a heroic reformer. Some of us gather in Reformation Day services on October 31st to remember the great beginning […]

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A Rwandan Experience

Rwanda, a small country in central Africa between Zaire and Tanzania, is the size of Vermont. Before the war there was a population of 8,500,000 making it the most densely populated country in Africa. A century ago the original inhabitants of Rwanda were the Twa pygmies who were gradually displaced by the Hutu tribes people and […]

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On a warm clear night, in a field in Dyer, Indiana, the Mid-America Reformed Seminary Board of Trustees and over two hundred well-wishers embarked on an exciting journey. One by one, these board members put their hands not to the plow, but to a shovel to turn the earth in the spot where the new seminary […]

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Presbyterians on Church Office

This article is a response to a new book, Order in the Offices. It is an important response at this time when Reformed and Presbyterian believers are working toward closer ties. The Editors ORDER IN THE OFFICES: Essays Defining the Roles of Church Officers, Mark R. Brown, editor. Published by Classic Presbyterian Government Resources, 807 Peachdale […]

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An Initial Response to the Suk Editorial

In the October 3, 1994 Banner of the Christian Reformed Church, editor John Suk wrote an editorial entitled: “Inerrancy: Let’s Not Use the Term.” In this article the editor attempts to show that inerrancy is a fundamentalistic idea which zealots borrowed and adapted from secular philosophy. Pitting the apostle John against the apostle Paul, and theologians […]

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Women at Work: The Praying Woman

Bible Reading: I Samuel 1:9–20 For this boy I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. I Samuel 1:27 (NASV) It was in God’s eternal plan to raise up the man Samuel—the judge, the prophet, the anointer of the first king of Israel and the founder of the […]

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GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (September 29, 1994) RBPS – In the wake of seven written protests and a storm of public criticism, Classis Grand Rapids East of the Christian Reformed denomination voted on September 15 to revise its July 21 decision “that classis permit its individual churches the freedom to decide whether or not the word […]

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The Fourth “R” of Education

In his book, The De-Valuing of America, former Secretary of Education, Bill Bennett, exposes the mediocre performance of American educational institutions and their inability to produce students who can compete world–wide. The reason he gives for the American educational decline is that many educators have forgotten the purpose for their school’s existence. Statistics show that […]

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