Letter to South Africa

The Rev. Dr. Daniel F. Malan, Prime Minister. Unie van Suid Afrika, Pretoria, U.S.A. Most esteemed and reverend brother: You are well aware of the fact. I am sure that the policy of apartheid associated with your administration does not receive a favorable press in the United States and Canada. It is very ordinary for us […]

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Reflection on the Resurrection

• The Lord is risen indeed It was not what the disciples expected. Some or them, no doubt, cherished a hope even to the last that his life would not be taken; that in some way he would exert his mighty power, even on the cross, to the frustration of his enemies. There are commentators who suggest, […]

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The “Grip” on Life

Two men were talking about a mutual friend. They were discussing certain saddening developments in the friend’s life. For some reason the friend wasn’t doing well in his work. He seemed to be failing in h is ability to meet his problems, and that for no adequate apparent reason. He seemed to be taking to the technique of running away from any troublesome […]

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“Chaff” in the Bible

Dear Sirs: Three decades ago in a heated Synodical debate in connection with the “Janssen Case” a minister of the Christian Church (in good standing at the time but deposed in the subsequent Common Grace issue), when asked whether he was sure he cherished love for the person of Dr. Janssen, replied by quoting Psalm 39:21f. (“Do […]

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“Michal, the Daughter of Saul”

It should strike us rather odd upon reading the sixth chapter of II Samuel, that Michal is mentioned three times as being Saul’s daughter. After all, she is David’s wife and the repetition of her maiden name, three limes in rapid succession, seems to spell trouble. Such trouble might lead us to suppose that the marital affection between David and his wife […]

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Communism: A New Religion

IV (Final Installment) As we have seen in our preview article, every non-Christian philosophy and religion has its own god, its own explanation of sin, and its own theory of redemption. From this point of view no communist has a right to claim originality. With regard to the communistic conception of God, we saw that Marx and […]

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Is It Worth Reading?

G.C. Berkouwer, FAITH AND JUSTIFICATION. Translated by Lewis B. Smedes. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 1954. 207. $3.00. In our present age of speculation and rigid dogmatism, this book by Dr. Berkouwer is like fresh spring water quenching the thirst of a weary traveler. A new approach to the study of dogmatics is […]

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