Science and Truth

Any excursion by science beyond the observable facts must rely on theory and is thus open to question.” “We can accept the methods and claims of science only as long as they do not contradict the higher authority of Scripture. When such conflicts occur, we must humbly submit our thoughts to God’s Word . . […]

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Pious Talk Covers Worldly Living

Now that social dancing has been introduced at Calvin College, with all kinds of plausible and non-plausible argumentation, it is well that we just go back a few years and have another look at what we did in 1966 in adopting the up–dated report on the Film Arts, and the practical consequences of it. You […]

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Gospel Riches and Church Poverty

(continued) 2. A REAL AND TOTAL SALVATION The inspired Bible was given to us, as the Apostle Paul said, “to make . . . wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus . . . that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work” (II Tim. 3:15, 17). It […]

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The Watershed of the Evangelical World

Francis A. Schaeffer in 1974 told the International Congress on World Evangelism in Switzerland and in 1976 told a Convention in Washington D.C. that, “Holding to a strong view of Scripture or not holding to it is the watershed of the evangelical world.” He pointed out that the view one holds at this paint determines […]

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As this issue of THE OUTLOOK goes to press we have been shocked by the sudden death of Miss Johanna Timmer, our departmental editor. Miss Timmer has over many years shown herself ready to labor and, where necessary, to fight for the Reformed Faith. We shall miss her staunch support and faithful labors in the […]

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The Question Box

Harlan G. Vanden Einde is pastor of the Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. A Canadian reader would like to know whether we should use the word “consistory” or “council” when referring to the local governmental body of the congregation in the Christian Reformed Church. I’m not sure whether there is a […]

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The Holy Bible and Confession

Dr. Robert K. Rudolph is since 1932 Professor of Theology in the Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia. The Reformed Episcopal Church has existed since 1873 when it broke away from the Protestant Episcopal Church because that denomination was persistently moving back into Roman Catholic errors of doctrine. Today the denomination numbers over eight thousand members […]

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Christian Wretchedness

In his Epistle to the Romans, the Apostle Paul made an in–depth study of man‘s relation to God and His law. Not by his own righteousness can man meet God‘s demands. It is only by the God-given righteousness of faith that a confrontation with God is safe for man. He is saved, renewed, through Christ, […]

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“PENSIONITIS”? An Unfair Accusation

Some months ago my editorial on “Desideratum A United Reformed Church” called forth a measure of response including a misunderstanding which, in fairness to honestly disturbed ministers in the CRC, should be set straight. Writing about disturbing developments in the CRC, one correspondent states: “There are still a goodly number of pastors who arc very unhappy […]

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Miss Johanna Timmer, 1901–1978

Miss Timmer was widely known in the Christian Reformed Community as an outstanding leader and teacher. She was the first dean of women at Calvin College and served as dean and teacher for fourteen years. She was the first acting president of the Reformed Bible Institute (now Reformed Bible College) as well as a much […]

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