In this eleventh article in his series, For Elders and Deacons, Harry G. Arnold writes: “Let our deacons be the conscience of the church to minister to the physical needs of a sorely distressed world. Thus, in conjunction with the ministry of the Word, the church will minister to the whole man—body and soul.” Arnold […]

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In Memorium: Rev. William Kok (1882–1977)

The late Rev. William Kok, always a zealous contender for the faith, was a member of Reformed Fellowship, Inc. and a contributor to TORCH AND TRUMPET (former name of THE OUTLOOK) in bygone days. Dr. William Rutger’s readiness to write this In Memoriam is greatly appreciated. Factual statistics of a man’s life can be told […]

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Our Question Box

Rev. VandenEinde is pastor of the Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Question – From a Michigan reader: “On the one hand the Bible states repeatedly and unmistakably that God will bring into judgment every act with every secret sin—of everyone of us –and at the same time, also repeatedly and unmistakably, […]

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“Yet . . .”

Miss Johanna Timmer, departmental editor of Reformed Women Speak writes: “Let us especially remember the young people in Communist lands who are willing to suffer persecution for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ.” In Psalm 74 Asaph complains bitterly about the conditions of his day because of “the devastation of the land by the […]

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Education That is Christian

And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and great shall be the peace of thy children. –Isaiah 54:13 September brings the days that are commonly known as “back-to-school days.” Travel and summer vacations have ended for most families and schoolwork and homework will take their demanding and dominant place. Public and private, parochial and […]

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The Church and Evolution

John Kanis is a graduate of Pella (Iowa) Christian High School. He is now a senior pre-medical student at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. This article was a prize-winning contribution in the 1975 essay contest open to the young people of the First Christian Reformed Church of Pella. In February, ’77 THE OUTLOOK published […]

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Conceived and Born in Sin

When we present our children for baptism, we acknowledge in the Form for the Baptism of Infants that our children are “conceived and horn in sin.” In a recent discussion it became evident that this is generally understood to mean that both conception and birth are sinful acts or events. But what is conception? And […]

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