This month the alma mater or fostering mother of so many—proudly and affectionately called onze school by our stalwart, Dutch–speaking forebears becomes a centenarian. Congratulations alma mater and may God bless you richly! To fail to take note of and to rejoice in the plethora of God’s goodnesses shown during the one hundred years of Calvin‘s […]
This year (1976) THE OUTLOOK: (formerly TORCH AND TRUMPET) is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary. The first issue was for April-May 1951. In commemoration of this occasion it has been decided that each issue during 1976 is to carry one or more reprints from the issues of that first year, 1951. At the time he wrote this […]
“From that time began Jesus to show unto his disciples, that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and the third day be raised up.” Matthew 16:21 This is not the first time that Jesus had spoken about His purpose for coming into […]
Liturgy and the question of how to worship are receiving a great deal of attention today f0r better or for worse. That we should have and follow the proper guidelines for this is of the utmost importance. In this issue, Rev. Jerome M. Julien, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church in Pella, Iowa, presents […]
Following are the concluding articles in this series on I Timothy planned especially for church societies, study groups, and all others interested. The writer, Rev. Henry Vander Kam, is pastor of Grace Christian Reformed Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. LESSON 15 I Timothy 6:11–16 Encouragement to faithfulness The style which the Apostle Paul lIses in his […]
Stephen V. Monsma (son of Mrs. Marie Monsma and the late Professor Martin Monsrna), is a member of the Michigan House of Representatives. As such, he is a member of committees on: Civil Rights, Colleges and Universities (Vice-Chairman), Economic Development, and Urban Affairs. His willingness to comply with a request to make this contribution available […]
At a signal from the control tower the behomoth 747 taxied to Runway 8. Slowly the rhythmic throb of the engines changed to a thunderous roar. Then takeoff. Dotti, slim-sylph-like Dotti with her flamboyant red hair was nearly lost in a sea of faces. She had tried for a seat in the middle of three, […]
Laurie Vanden Heuvel has pursued special study in the matter of church education. This is the first article in what she has planned as a series on Feed My Lambs. She writes “if we as a church aspire to stem the tide of apostasy and decay all around us, we will have to see to […]
Dr. Leonard Greenway, pastor of the Riverside Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan is in charge of Our Question Box. Although this department is for everyone and questions from all ages are welcome, Dr. Greenway reports that he now has on hand all the questions he will be able to answer until further notice. […]