The Most Crucial Issue Facing Synod 1971

The 454-page Agenda for the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church (meeting this month) deals with several issues of great importance. The delegates are indeed charged with heavy responsibilities as they go about the tasks to which they have been appointed; and, as such, they are urgently in need of the fervent intercession of all […]

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20° “OFF-COURSE” A pilot flying North flies a com· pass heading of 360°. To follow this true course requires constant checking of his position and his compass heading. Deviations and corrections must be made for changing wind conditions. Such changes and corrections must take place in the preaching in our churches today or we will […]

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A Distressed Father

A Christian businessman who has his office near my home met me this morning (April 7) as I was walking to the mailbox. Almost immediately he began to unburden his heart about his sixteen-year old daughter who has him and his wife deeply worried. She attends the Sunday worship services very unwillingly, complains that the […]

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The Inerrancy of Scripture

Russell W. Maatman is professor of Chemistry and chairman of the Division of Natural Sciences at Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa. This material on “The Inerrancy of Scripture” is taken from Dr. Maatman’s book, THE BIBLE, NATURAL SCIENCE, AND EVOLUTION published in 1970 by Reformed Fellowship, Inc. What Is Meant By Inerrancy? Various kinds of […]

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Preachers Without Fear

“Shocking! Absolutely shocking! I just can’t get over it!” That was the reaction of one who had just read parts of the 1971 Agenda for the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church. He had in mind such things as the Board of Home Missions’ proposal that the Christian Reformed Church officially participate in Project Equality; […]

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Request for a New Confessional Standard

In Overture 5 to the 1971 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church, Classis Chatham requests Synod to declare “that it is necessary and desirable to re-express the faith of the church in a new confession which will replace the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort as a statement of the truth […]

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The Critical Issue of our Time

“The problem of authority is the most fundamental problem that the Christian Church ever faces. This is because Christianity is built on truth: that is to say, on the content of divine revelation. Christianity announces salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, in and through whom that revelation came to completion; but faith in Jesus Christ […]

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Creeds in Crisis!

Creeds in crisis! – Many are rethinking the confessions of faith. What is the place of the confessions of faith in our Reformed circles? Do they still function? Do the elders and deacons still know what they are doing when they sign the form of subscription? Do the ministers still teach without any reservation the […]

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