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Facing the Abortion Crisis

Today while biochemists are bending every effort to develop a living cell that can reproduce itself, many clergymen and physicians routinely approve the destruction of life by abortion. In five short years the long-taboo subject of abortion, once mainly catalogued with family disgrace or tragedy, has become a matter of mass media discussion and open […]

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He is Risen!

Some years ago the villagers in Domo d’Ossala, in Italian Switzerland, built a mimic Calvary as a symbol of their religious devotion. A series of little chapels, with pictures and images depicting the scenes of our Lord’s Passion, was constructed along the way that led to Calvary. The first showed Christ before Herod; the second, […]

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The God-Man in the Gap

To merely look and fail to really see . . . That’s the awful tragedy of it all—if we are content, whenever the calendar calls for it once again, to observe the Christian holidays by taking another look at Jesus in a manger, on a cross, in and out of the tomb, and ascending to […]

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A Darkened View of Man

The following article by Dr. Aaldert Mennega, chairman of the Department of Biology at Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa, is reprinted by permission from the January 28, 1971, issue of CALVINIST CONTACT. If it is true that there are basically only two kinds of people, Christ-believers and Christ-deniers, then the antithesis between the kingdom of […]

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Letter to Jim

Dear Jim: Some time ago I was privileged to attend a youth retreat at a lake in Northwest Iowa. It was a good retreat and of great spiritual benefit to those who attended. We studied the Word of God together and discussed its meaning for our lives in 1970 . We also sang, prayed, and […]

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TWO TINY CHURCHES ON HIGHWAY IN SOUTH DAKOTA STIR FIGHT OVER CHURCH-STATE RELATION WHITE LAKE, S.D. – Interstate highway 90 stretches across the flat, bleak prairie just south of this bleak little town. There is little to break the gusting wind and nothing of interest to slow the whizzing cars. It’s not a likely scene […]

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Believe it or not: WASP is Beautiful

WASP! Bah! Prejudiced White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. They hate the Blacks, despise the Latins, and fight the Catholics. They think that pure America is white and that is how our good country started. They believe that the Blacks came to America later and cause the trouble America is having today. The WASPs think that the Anglo-Saxons […]

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Does Theology Still Have a Future?

Does theology still have a future? This question is not strange in our confused age. We have come to a point in history at which two self-styled “Christian atheists,” Thomas J. J. Altizer and William Hamilton, can write: “The idea of God and the word God itself are in need of radical reformulation. Perhaps totally […]

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Letting Johnny Decide for Himself

Picture the scene in the living room of a home. Two people are there. One is the mother of a thirteen year old boy. The other is the minister of the church this family attends. “Johnny’s been absent from catechism quite often this season,” says the minister. “I’m asking your cooperation to see to it […]

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