I. Introduction – New Departure in the Study of Scripture Within recent years, there appears to have developed a trend in evangelical Christian circles towards a new attitude to Scripture. It is thought by some to indicate a shift away from the orthodox Reformed doctrine of Scripture.1 This trend is characterized by a move from […]

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A Reply from an Old Friend to Dr. P.Y. De Jong on the A.A.C.S.

As an active member of the Reformed Fellowship for a number of years and as one deeply interested in the work of the C.A.F. and the A.A.C.S., I have been really concerned how we could get these organizations to work together better in diverse Christian activities so sorely needed in our present North American situation. […]

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Enough things are lost in the average church to make some sort of lost-and-found department necessary, even if it is only a drawer in a desk some· where. Church coatrooms often contain an interesting selection of old hats, overshoes, umbrellas, and gloves. Human memory being what it is, this is not surprising. But what a […]

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The Duties of Parents

A condensed version of a sermon on Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We live in days when there is a mighty zeal for education in every quarter. We hear of new schools rising on all sides. We […]

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