All Roads Lead to Bethlehem!

So all the generations from Abraham unto David are fourteen generations; and from David unto the carrying away to Babylon fourteen generations; and from the carrying away to Babylon unto Christ fourteen generations. Matthew 1:17 (ARV) “All roads lead to Rome”…everybody knew that in Matthew’s day. Everybody, except Matthew! Well, after all, he is a stubborn, […]

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Editorial Comment

ORDINATION IN A HUDDLE By this time our 1962 class of candidates have all been ordained. Did you ever witness an ordination ceremony? A congregation is singularly thrilled when a young servant of the Lord is ordained and thus consecrated to the holy ministry of the Word and Sacraments. It is a solemn and impressive […]

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Religion and Morals in the News

NAE PROTESTS SUNDAY SCHOOL MATERIAL FOR ARMED FORCES According to United Evangelical Action. Dr. Robert A. Cook, president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), has sent a vigorous protest to the chief of Air Force chaplains who is also the chairman of the Armed Forces Chaplains Board, because the chiefs of chaplains have recommended […]

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Under Church Spires

TO CHURCH TWICE EACH SUNDAY?… Our sister churches in the Netherlands are openly facing a problem which also concerns us. Should believers and their families continue the tradition of attending divine worship twice on the Lord’s day? That this “unwritten rule” among the Reformed family of churches is not being observed as faithfully as in […]

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INTRODUCTORY REMARKS In last month’s issue we wrote about the drift to evolutionism and higher criticism in the public utterances of some of the leaders in the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands—a denomination with which the Christian Reformed Church has close relationships. In this article we shall discuss certain articles in Gereformeerd Weekblad by Dr. A. […]

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The World Council and the Protestant Reformation

Splashed diagonally across the corner of the front cover of the December 8, 1961, issue of Time Magazine directly over the portrait of World Council Architect Visser ’T Hooft, were the words, “The Second Reformation.” This caption describing the Third Assembly of the World Council at New Delhi, India, came from a statement made there […]

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