The Day Before…

The day before Labor Day 1969, what will the Lord say to His people in your congregation about their daily work and the coming of His Kingdom through that work? And what will he their communal heart-response that day in celebration, the next day on the job itself, the next work-week, the next year under […]

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The synod of the Christian Reformed Church 1969 is history. How does one assess the Synod? Was it progressive? Was it hesitant to move forward? This was the first experience for many of the delegates, including this reporter. One of the first impressions is the high efficiency of the ecclesiastic machinery and the seriousness with […]

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A General Introduction to the Book of Daniel

Editor’s Note: Torch and Trumpet offers in this issue the first two of a series of twelve discussion outlines based on the Book of Daniel. These are intended to be of help to our church societies, smaller Bible-discussion groups, and to anyone interested in a study of this important Bible book To provide a general […]

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