The Nature of this Book Prof. Kuitert…invites “the congregation” to a conversation on the thematic idea of this book, namely, the understanding of Holy Scripture. AI· though this book has its own theological and philosophical starting-points, the author has not placed these on the docket for discussion, but rather a number of faith-judgments regarding the […]

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Abortion: A Christian Testimony by CAF

Introduction The Christian Action Foundation is a national, voluntary organization of citizens who seek to express the redemption truth of Jesus Christ and the biblically revealed precepts of God in all their societal relationships and institutions. Membership chapters are found in ten states. Membership is open to all Christian believers, regardless of church affiliation, who […]

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REPORT OF THE DELEGATE TO THE FOREIGN MISSION BOARD The report of the delegate to the Foreign Mission Board of the Christian Reformed Church was delivered to the Classis of Chicago South on May 21, 1969. Rev, Jobn Bylsma, vice-president of the Christian Reformed Board of Foreign Missions, included in his report to Classis the […]

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A Word to Organists

For some time I have wanted to share thoughts with you loyal “ministers of music.” Now that the editors of TORCH AND TRUMPET have given me an opportunity to do so, I would like to put these thoughts on paper. Every pastor, organist, choir member, and worshiper has his views about church music. These views […]

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