Pointed Paragraphs

WAS THIS TRUE CONSERVATISM? It is generally agreed that the 1961 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church was conservative, in the good sense of that word. As evidence one can point to the decisions in the matter of Scriptural infallibility. Other decisions point in the same direction. Perhaps some would also cite the action taken […]

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To The Right Honorable John C . Diefenbaker Prime Minister of Canada Ottawa Sir: The Classes Eastern Ontario, Hamilton and Toronto of the Christian Reformed Churches in Canada, with a view to forthcoming legislation on the subject of Capital Punishment, herewith humbly submit to your attention a Statement expressing their convictions in this important matter. Although […]

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So Your Church is “Vacant”

Well, the perennial question of calling ministers is once again in the public eye. The Banner has published some articles on it recently; the question of an information bureau was up before Synod. But this thing is like the weather. Everybody talks about it, but nobody does anything about it. This writer would like to share […]

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Men Without Souls

It is a well-known fact that Barth and Brunner, once such close c0-workers in revitalizing European theology, do not agree. Not only their theological vision but also their political views betray sharp and striking differences. Attention is called to this by Dr. Merrill C. Tenney, dean of the graduate school at Wheaton, Illinois, in his introduction […]

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For some time there had been agitation for revision liturgical Form for the administration of the Lord’s Supper. The Synodical Study Committee on Liturgical Form Revision submitted two different proposed Forms. Synod decided to recommend these two Forms to the churches for “study” and to “allow for provisional use by the churches for a period of four […]

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The Reader Writes

CLARIFICATION Dear Rev. Kuiper, May I place a statement of clarification in your Journal? In the TORCH AND TRUMPET, July-August 1961, you express amazement (p. 25) at a statement I made on the floor of Synod during the discussion re the Use of Ordained Men. You quote me as follows—“It is not possible to substantiate […]

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A Look at Books

Christian Perspective 1960 by VAN RIESSEN, FARRIS and RUNNER, Pella Publishing Inc., Pella, Iowa, 1960. 159 pp. This book, published by the Association for Reformed Scientific Studies in Canada, is both a result of the Association and one of its programs. Here we have a fine beginning setting forth the aims and principles of the […]

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