OPENING SESSIONS The meeting of Synod began with the customary prayer service on the eve of its first session, June 13. This time it met in the new and beautiful edifice of our Highland Hills congregation of Grand Rapids, Michigan, which served as host church. The church was well-filled for the occasion, even though the weather […]
SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT THE SYNODICAL PRAYER SERVICE by Christian Huissen One of the highlights on our church calendar is the annual prayer service for the Synod. It gives one a thrill to meet the delegates from every section of the church in the United States and Canada. plus some foreign dignitaries. Tho service is approached […]
QUESTION: I am having difficulty with my prayers. The whole matter of asking God for things is becoming so empty and unreal to me. It seems that door after door is closing upon me. Sometimes I catch myself asking, Why pray anymore? Nothing comes of my prayers. Will you help me with my problem? I […]
“ISSUES” IN THE CHURCH It is not easy to say which matters on a synodical agenda are more and which are less important. For example, a seemingly unimportant decision made in 1955 concerning a Nigerian Seminary turned out to be the beginning of a major dispute which has not been fully resolved until this present moment. […]
DR. HERMAN H. GRAY CHALLENGES Dear Rev. Kuiper: May I write to you in regard to some statements of Rev. Peter De Jong in the Nov. 1960 TORCH AND TRUMPET regarding expenditure of money for foreign mission work (see p. I6)? I shall not discuss mission principles with Rev. De Jong. However, he is not a […]
The Comprehensive Bible Concordance ED. A. CLARKE Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan, 284 pages, $3.50. This concordance first appeared over a hundred years ago. It is a handy tool, compact enough to be slipped into a brief case, hence very usable for Bible students and teachers. All key words of Scripture arc listed from Aaron […]