A Look at Books

SCIENTIFIC CREATIONISM, edited by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. Published by Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego, California, 92115; 277 pages; $4.95. Reviewed by Rev. C. Van Schouwen.

Dr. H.M. Morris, director of the Institute for Creation Research, headed a team of twenty-five scientists to produce this monumental book. Considering the fact that practically every “ism”, including communism, humanism, libertinism, behaviorism, and even situational ethics, and the new hermeneutics is basically rooted in the implications of evolutionism, it becomes obvious how important it is to indicate that there is no real scientific proof for the evolutionary hypothesis. On the other hand, it is also necessary to establish special revelation, on a Biblical and scientific basis, as the only true foundation of all knowledge. This is the purpose of this book.

The author compares two models -the creation model and the evolution model and indicates that the creation model, supplemented by the cataclysmic model, fits all the real facts of every field of science with a far better degree of correlation than the evolution model. This is the methodology of the book. Objections to the creation model are philosophical and not scientific.

Evolutionism based upon the precepts of uniformitarianism—the development from the simple to the complex—demands billions of years for the formation of geological strata and fossils. Geological strata with their fossil contents constitute the very heart of the evolutionary case.

Therefore the crux of the debate relative to evolutionism and creationism centers about the reliability of fossil evidence. To be sure, large beds of dinosaur skeletons have been found in New Mexico, Wyoming, Alberta, Belgium and on every continent of the world. Fossil beds of elephants, hippopotamus, amphibians, and plants have been discovered. Were these fossil beds formed by uniformitarianism? Or catastrophism?

The author states and understandably so that fossils must be formed rapidly or else the forces of erosion, bacterial decay, weathering, or other disintegrating processes will destroy them before the fossilization process is complete. This is a powerful argument against uniformitarianism and in favor of eatastrophism (floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, etc.) For the same reason rock strata containing fossils must also have been formed rapidly. All this refutes decisively the claim that rock strata and fossils were in the process of formation over long periods of years. Since dinosaur bones and skeletons are found on every continent, it would appear that catastrophe was a world wide phenomenon, either by the changing of the climate or the Genesis Flood. This is just one example among many others to indicate how the author maintains that the creation model provides a far better correlation for facts than the evolution model.

As far as the actual fossil evidence is concerned, man has always been man, and the ape has always been an ape. There are no intermediate or transitional forms leading to man or even up to the apes. There are no transitional forms between any of the other basic kinds of animals in the fossil record. There are large gaps between one species and another. No evidence has been found to prove that one species developed into another. There are no fossil evidences of the states through which the assumed change took place from reptile to bird. There is not the slightest scientific evidence that life came from non-life. The author states that thousands of scientists and other educated intellectuals reject evolutionism. This would not be the case if evolution were as obvious as many scientists say it is.

Evolutionists have always maintained that the existence of dinosaur fossils proves pre-historic existence ages before man appeared on the scene. However, in central Texas limestone beds contain both dinosaur and human footprints. This discovery has been conclusively documented by onthe-site, atthe-time motion pictures. Thus dinosaurs and human beings lived at the same time . Furthermore, no transitional stages in the development of dinosaurs have been discovered. All this argues for creationism, rather than evolutionism.

Many scientists had hoped that the lunar landings would show how the solar system evolved and that this would also provide evidence that life evolved on other planets besides the earth. But all previous theories of the evolution of the solar system had to be abandoned, when it was discovered that the chemical makeup of the moon rocks was distinctly different from the rocks of the earth.

Many people believe that the age of rocks is determined by the study of their radioactive minerals—uranium, thorium, potassium, rubidium, etc. However, there are so many sources of possible error or misinterpretation in radiometric dating that most such dates are being discarded and never used at all, notably whenever they disagree with the previously agreed on dates.

In spite of all this, some Christians teaching in our Christian schools on the primary and secondary level, still believe that t he creation days represent geological ages. The author states that, in accepting geological ages, they are implicitly accepting the evolutionary system. Geological ages are a must for uniformitarian processes. The only real assurance men have for geological ages is the assumption of evolution, which cannot be scientifically validated.

Even those who deliberately reject the evolutionary implications of the geological ages, still face the massive problem of ex· plaining why God chose to use billions of years of chance variations, natural selection, geological upheavals, storm, disease, extinction, struggle, suffering and death, as a prelude to the creation of man. Consequently, the day-age theory in any form is unacceptable Biblically, scientifically and theologically.

Many of the textbooks used in our Christian high schools and colleges are normed by the evolutionary hypothesis. School libraries are full of such books. The use of such books can do considerable damage to the faith concepts of students, unless the teacher is fully able to r efute the presuppositions of evolutionism theologically and scientifically. Only those teachers, who are able to do so, should be appointed to a position on the teaching staff of our Christian schools. The purpose of this book is to equip the teacher to treat all of the important aspects of the subject of origin and to do this on a scientific basis. This book will help to restore confidence in special creation, as the true explanation of the origin and meaning of the world . It is written in laymen’s language.

In these days of apostasy, biblical liberalism, higher criticism, and the new hermeneutics , the church should launch an allout attack upon the forces of unbelief. One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is to destroy the soil in which these departures from the Word of God are rooted. If we begin with anything other than the Sovereign God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, the end will be the destruction of Christian theology and the deterioration of Christian life. We must popularize the fantastic story of creation and its implications for all of life. We must show up evolutionism for what it actually is and what it has done and is doing to the. moral and spiritual condition of the world today.

All ministers of the gospel, teachers, and professors of our Christian schools, on the primary and secondary level, should read this book. A copy should be placed in every church and school library, and used as a textbook in our Christian high schools and colleges. The study of this book would be a very fine project for any Bible study group. We are happy to ascertain that the Institute for Creation Research is preparing books on this subject for grade school children. Such books are filling a crucial gap in the curriculum structure of our Christian schools.

The last chapter of this book is exclusively devoted to explain the first eleven chapters of the Genesis record in harmony with all of Scripture. The author believes in the inerrancy of Scripture and therefore in the 24-hour days of the creationweek.


THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CHURCH GROWTH, by Harvie M. Conn, Editor. Reviewed by Rev. John G. Van Ryn.

Through the efforts of Dr. Donald McGavran and others of the School of World Mission at Fuller Seminary, Church Growth has become the focus of much attention in mission circles. Terms such as “winnable people,” “homogeneity,” “people movements” have become common. In March, 1975 over 50 people gathered at Westminster Seminary for a consultation on Reformed Mission and the Theology of Church Growth. This book is a product of that consultation. Whereas it does not provide an in-depth critique of Church Growth theology, it does provide some insights into this theology. These insights are given by several of our Reformed men including E. P. Clowney, J . I. Packer, R. Recker, J. M. L. Young, R. S. Greenway and A. F. Glasser as well as Dr. Conn. All of the contributors reflect their Reformed commitment by their confidence in the sovereign God who is building His church, extending His kingdom and saving His people. They also emphasize that this sovereign God holds us responsible to work wisely. This book is recommended to those who are concerned for the progress of missions and the growth of the church.

THE GLORY WOODS, by Virginia Greer; published by Christian Herald House, 40 Overlook Drive, Chappaqua, New York 10514. Publication date: April 30, 1976, hardbound, $5.95. Reviewed by Dena Korfker.

“The Glory Woods” is sub-titled “A Hymn of Healing.” It could also be called “A Hymn of Discovery.” For Mrs. Greer discovered many things in her “Glory Woods.”

Mrs. Greer spent most of her married life in the city, in Mobile, Alabama. She raised her family there and was very active in her church (Baptist). She was also a career-woman. She was a writer and a journalist. Her first book, Give Them Their Dignity dealt with teaching teens in church school. Five years of reporting as an editor for the Mobile Press Register won her three major awards, and her articles appeared in over thirty newspapers and magazines.

Coming to live in the deep woods of Alabama, twelve miles from the city, was in· deed a discovery for Mrs. Greer. Her husband had always been an outdoor man, and with him as teacher, she is soon overwhelmed by the discovery of how God re· veals Himself in His creation. She rejoices in all the small forest creatures who come to visit her, she finds herself making friends with and talking to them.

Suddenly her wonderful, new life is shattered by the appearance of cancer with its surgery and all its aftermath, and the possibility of death. In all the glory of her autumn woods she learns to face her problems, and she discovers the great joy of God’s bountiful grace in His superb handiwork and in the Christian love of family and friends. She considered God’s greatest miracle to be the fact of her complete acceptance of His way in her life.

Read it.You will enjoy it and be inspired.