A Look at Books

THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CHURCH GROWTH, by Harvie M. Conn, Editor. Reviewed by Rev. John G. Van Ryn. Through the efforts of Dr. Donald McGavran and others of the School of World Mission at Fuller Seminary, Church Growth has become the focus of much attention in mission circles. Terms such as “winnable people,” “homogeneity,” “people movements” […]

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A Look at Books

SCIENTIFIC CREATIONISM, edited by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. Published by Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego, California, 92115; 277 pages; $4.95. Reviewed by Rev. C. Van Schouwen. Dr. H.M. Morris, director of the Institute for Creation Research, headed a team of twenty-five scientists to produce this monumental book. Considering the fact that practically every “ism”, including communism, […]

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