RYS National Convention 2019: Total Life Insurance

Every year RYS hosts a summer convention (Monday through Friday) to celebrate our unity in Christ as Reformed Christians. Typically, these special national events consist of two main speakers exploring a theme, along with several related workshops.

The 2019 National Youth Convention was held July 22–26 at Cedarville University in Cedarville, Ohio. The theme of this year’s convention is “Total Life Insurance,” based on Romans 8:31.

We had two main session speakers, Reverend Paul Murphy and Reverend Bradd Nymeyer. Reverend Murphy talked about “Satan’s most successful tactic, which is to put something off another day.” He also told us “we, the youth, are the church and we need to invest in the church.” Reverend Murphy closed the week encouraging us to “commit to Total Life Insurance.” Reverend Nymeyer stressed to us that “this Total Life Insurance cost us nothing, yet cost Christ everything.” He also taught us that “this insurance has a future benefit (eternity with God) as well as a present benefit (obedience).”

Everyone attended at least five workshops. Mr. Rip Pratt encouraged us to “Respect Christ in word and deed, Die to self daily, and Live to be forgotten (RDL).” Reverend Russell Herman challenged us to remember that “discipline and boundaries set by parents are set out of love.” Reverend Nick Smith showed us there is hope in times of despair.

Convention is always filled with sweet fellowship. Seeing old friends from convention last year, fellowshipping with new friends through SON-Rise and SON-Set groups, and spending time with them all, singing and praising our Lord. Throughout we encourage each other to live lives that are honoring and glorifying to God. I thoroughly enjoyed all the sessions, workshops, and fellowship I took part in. I cannot wait until next year’s convention.

Miss Madison Koetsier is sixteen and will be a junior in high school starting fall 2019. She is a professing member of Cloverdale United Reformed Church in Boise, ID.

As my feet hit the asphalt of a Cedarville University parking lot, anticipation filled my mind. Shortly afterward, everyone filed into the auditorium where our first session was to be held. Being a newly graduated freshman, I had no idea what to expect. Melodies filled my ears as we rose to sing. The 2019 RYS Convention, one of the most inspirational and transformative weeks of my life, had begun.

The first session conveyed a message of hope and assurance in Christ, both for now and for the future. The remaining four sessions built on that assurance, highlighting the cost, present and future rewards, and the Father’s great love for us. In addition to the sessions, I also attended several workshops which opened my eyes to various issues, both internal and external. I learned how to combat the world’s warped definition of social justice along with how to find joy in the midst of a fast-paced world all while keeping the Bible as my guide.

Though the sessions and workshops provided an abundance of valuable lessons for the present and future, the friendships I made that week had the greatest impact. Although I saw many of the people only a few times, each one shaped and molded me into a better friend and Christian. The week was short, the time together brief, but the memories I made, the lessons I learned, the laughs I shared, and the relationships I built will last a lifetime.

Miss Amy De Groot is fifteen and is going into her sophomore year at Unity Christian High School in Orange City, IA. She lives in Sioux Center, IA, and attends Redeemer United Reformed Church in Orange City.