The Signs of the Times: Lesson Six, Part II – The Nature of the Antichrists

Who is the liar but he that denieth that Jesus in the Christ? This is the anti-christ, even he that denieth the Father and the Son, and every spirit that confesseth not Jesus is not of God: and this is the spirit of the antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it cometh; and now it is in the world already. For many deceivers are gone forth into the world, even they that confess not that Jesus Christ cometh in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist. I John 2:22, 4:3; II John 7

We must be able to recognize the Antichrists who are in the world today. If we are not able to recognize them they will surely lead us astray.

John does not leave us in the dark. There is no liar like him who denies that Jesus is the Christ. The world is full of lies and liars, but this is THE liar. Already in John’s day there were those who taught that Jesus and Christ were separate individuals. According to them, Jesus was not to be identified with Christ. John’s gospel rests on the fact that Jesus is the Christ. Those who teach the opposite are liars, says the Apostle of love.

If Jesus is not the Christ he is not the Son of God. This is a denial of his whole person and work. Jesus himself had asked the people of his day very plainly, “What think ye of the Christ, whose son is he?” (Matt. 22:42) Antichrists deny that Jesus is the Son of God. Thus, says the Apostle, they deny the Father and the Son. They do not necessarily deny that God exists, but they do deny that he is Father. Of course, that is also a denial of the Trinity.

Are there many Antichrists? If all those who deny that Jesus is the Christ are Antichrists, their number is legion. Not only do various sects deny this truth, the modernistic church also denies it. In fact, those who still confess this basic truth arc comparatively few in number, whereby we know that it is the last time.

There are those who deny the deity of Jesus, others deny his humanity. There are those who do not believe that Jesus came in the flesh or that he will come in the flesh. To deny his humanity is as heretical as to deny his deity. TIle true Savior of men must be both human and divine (Heid. Cat. L.D. 6, Job 9:33). If either the deity or humanity of Jesus is denied, it is a denial of the Savior.

Those who deny these basic truths are deceivers. They will speak highly of Jesus. He was a great teacher. He was a wonderful person. He was far ahead of his times. He became a martyr fOf his beliefs. But, was he such a good man if he was not both human and divine? He claimed to be God (John 10:30). He was the greatest impostor this world has ever seen if his claim is not true. Those who do not believe that he is actually the Son of God and true man, should condemn him and his teaching. This they do not do. They are deceivers.

John refers to one more characteristic of this Antichristian spirit. This one is very simple. “He that confesseth not Jesus” is not of God but is the spirit of Antichrist. The question of faith in Jesus separates men. Those who confess him are of God—those who do not confess him are of Satan. In other words, don’t look for the spirit of Antichrist only in high places; don’t consider that only the outspoken foes of Christianity have the spirit of Antichrist; the whole unbelieving world, all those who confess not Jesus, are driven by the spirit of Antichrist. The world is filled with them!

Those Antichrists who show real hostility to the church of Christ are still few. Many have important places in the churches of today. But be not deceived. Basically they are Antichrists, says the Apostle. These are paving the way for that lawless one who is to come. They seek to put tho mind of the church at ease. They do not admit that they are enemies, they are only more progressive! John warns the church: they are Antichrists!




1. Can Roman Catholicism be termed Antichrist? Do the Catholics believe in the Trinity, the deity of Jesus and the personality of the Holy Spirit?

2. Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Antichrists? Is Christian Science? What about other well-known sects?

3. Is it important to recognize the enemies of the cross as Antichrists? Are we too tolerant today?