- NAPARC Churches: Presbyterian Reformed Church (PRC)
Arnold, Harry
- The Angel of the Lord (3)
Boekestein, William
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 7: Christ Conquers Foes Mark 4:35–5:43
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 8: The Kingdom Honored and Dishonored Mark 6:1–29
Julien, Jerome
- Book Reviews January/February 2015
Kearney, Michael
- A Sophomore’s Reflections on College
Larson, Mark
- Martin Luther, the Ottoman Turks, and the Siege of Vienna
Oord, Wybren
- Job Cries Out
- The Trouble with Ministers (3)
Rau, Myron
- NAPARC Churches Reformed Church in the United States (RCUS)
Schout, Michael
- The Next Generation: Church Lessons from Chick-fil-A
Venema, Cornelis
- Christ’s Kingship in All of Life Butchers, Bakers, and Candlestick Makers in the Service of Christ (1)1
- NAPARC Churches Reformed Church in the United States (RCUS)
- NAPARC Churches: Presbyterian Reformed Church (PRC)
Cracks in the Crescent, Guido de Bres, In Six Days, Refugees, Return to the True Church
- Book Reviews January/February 2015
Gideon, holy, Joshua, Judges, Samuel
- The Angel of the Lord (3)
answer, lament, prayer, response
- Job Cries Out
antisocial, arrogance, pastor
- The Trouble with Ministers (3)
commit, education, friends, learn, relationships
- A Sophomore’s Reflections on College
committed, excellence, service, Sundays
- The Next Generation: Church Lessons from Chick-fil-A
counsel, reformation, spiritual
- Martin Luther, the Ottoman Turks, and the Siege of Vienna
death, demons, power, Sea of Galilee
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 7: Christ Conquers Foes Mark 4:35–5:43
hope, martyr, ministry, unbelief
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 8: The Kingdom Honored and Dishonored Mark 6:1–29
kingdoms, kingship, natural law
- Christ’s Kingship in All of Life Butchers, Bakers, and Candlestick Makers in the Service of Christ (1)1