Like the atheist, the theistic evolutionist holds that life evolved from nothing to swirling gas to gaseous hydrogen atom to amoeba to segmented marine flat worm to tree shrew to ape-man to Homo sapiens and continues to evolve. He believes that all living forms are solely the consequence of evolution. To support such a belief with Scripture, in addition to rewriting the creation account, the theistic evolutionist explains away Genesis 6–11.
As does the atheist, the theistic evolutionist claims that over eons of time mountains build up, decline, and rebuild. Likewise, to him fossil remains indicate a uniform process from simple to more complex life forms, not destruction by a worldwide flood.
The radius of the earth is about 4,000 miles, the crust being an average of 25 miles or 130,000 feet; thus less than 3/4 of 1% of the earth’s radius, like the skin of an onion, is .divided, according to the evolutionistic concept into depositional periods totaling three billion years. Thus each such period presumably produced part of the crust until an eventual 25 miles of deposits and 3 billion years of evolution culminated in the appearance of Homo sapiens.*
We are asked to believe that God in the person of His son evolved man from animal 1 1/2 billion years after He had initiated life (amoeba) and the animation of its chemical precursors which had started this life 1 1/2 billion years before.
Conflicts between Biblical Miracles and Evolutionary Process
Yet Jesus shows us how by command He made a mature new body for Lazarus and a mature bush for Jonah. He made mature wine and mature bread for many. He also made mature baked 6sh for the many and a net full of mature living fish for Peter. Christ said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Indeed, how can light be a product of evolution? He also made mature bees to spring from the ground (Gen. 2:9, N.E.B.). Is Jesus not trying to show how, in the beginning, He miraculously made mature forms (that is, forms with an apparent age, fully developed) by the word of His mouth and not by slow process?
Again, must one believe that when God said, “Let there be a firmament,” and “by His word the Heavens were made” this means that “by His word God starts a process which evolved in firmament and Heavens”? When God said, “Let the waters bring forth,” did God animate slime of the ocean which after 1 1/2 billion years evolved into amoebas? And when God said, “Let the earth bring forth,” some of these amoebas evolved after another 1 1/2 billion years into Homo sapiens? While in between times some creatures such as whales, which, according to Darwin, were bears on land, returned to the water like immigrants returning to their ancestral birthplace?
There is nothing in the story of Eve‘s creation to indicate that shc evolved from an ape or apelike creature. God took a rib of Adam and formed Eve as a helper, flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. To accept the story of Eve’s beginnings as given in Genesis in any historical sense is to knock the theory of evolution into a cocked hat.
Fossil Evidence Contradicts Evolution
Fossils of once-living forms are found in sedimentary strata, i.e., water deposited all over the world. The oldest fossil forms are found in the Cambrian formation. Consisting mostly of former sea life, they are not 20% or 50%, but 100% mature and fully developed forms. There are no intermediate forms and there are neither hard or soft shell forms below them.
The Cambrian sedimentary system which extends to about, 26,000 feet or an average of 5 miles below the surface in the theoretical typical local geological column, is supposed to have begun about 600 million years ago. The remaining 80% below it, or 20 miles, represented by 2 billion 400 million years on the evolutionistic time clock, and 104,000 feet in thickness, is totally and worldWide vacant of original fossil life. No fossil coal, oil or gas has formed in that region. Obviously such coal, oil, and gas should have formed there in its thick layers of sediment if life had originated with the earth’s crust and had evolved with it
Of all the dating methods, two remain in scientific favor: (1) the radio-carbon (C-14) method, which dates the death of all once-living matter, whether animal or vegetable, at some thousands of years old and ( 2 ) the rock dating method which claims ages of millions and billions of years. The latter method, for example, elates Louis Leakey’s Zinjanthropus fossil pieces at nearly 2 million years, while the C-14 dating method indicates an age of a few thousand years for such fossils in contemporary strata.
No complete skull or skeleton of so-called prehuman has ever been found. R. E. Leakey sifted more than 300 fossil fragments in Africa from an estimated 180 of man’s supposed ancestors, from which anatomists have dreamed a dozen different skulls and bodies from ape-like to manlike ( Time, Nov. 7, 1977). Super-hot lava (molten volcanic rock) erupting and flowing from many miles below the earth’s surface cannot be dated until cooled and solidified into igneous rock. But how can such new rock formations show variation in age from millions to billions of years when, like a hot, thick soup, they surfaced as one homogeneous, mixed-up mass? Obviously such datings ought to show one uniform age or zero age.
But what is said when, among others, Cousteau finds the nautilus alive and unchanged from its fossils, rock dated at 500 million ycars? It is conveniently said that evolution by-passed them. Where then are the forms evolution did not by-pass?
Evolutionists speculate that variety, now mistakenly called micro-evolution, must lead to macro-evolution. But the terms “macro” and “micro” are misleading. There is only one kind of evolution. The term “variety” was bastardized to mean “micro–evolution.” For instance, in dog kind which variates in wolf and coyote.
Theistic evolution is a doctrine which teaches that Jesus, who made the cosmos and life, and all the laws of nature, predetermined that all men, including Himself, since He was “made in the likeness of man,” should descend by way of animal evolution. Therefore at the Lord‘s Supper one must believe that the bread and wine are symbolic of animal flesh and blood which is entirely contrary to both Scripture and science.

The Bible and Evolution Cannot Be Harmonized
Does not Genesis clearly state that God formed man from the dust of the ground and not from living or once living matter and that thus perfect inert matter became perfect organic life by His word and returns to inert matter upon death? On the sixth day did God look at 3 billions years of dead and dying and called it very good?
Dr. Gary Parker, a former evolutionist, when asked what problems he had with theistic evolution replied:
At the end of the sixth period He [God] said that all His works of creation were very good.
Now all the theistic evolutionists . . . I know, including myself at one time, try to fit “geologic time” and the fossil record into the creation periods. But regardless of how old they are, the fossils show the same things that we have on earth today—famine, disease, disaster, extinction, floods. earthquakes, etc. So if fossils represent stages in God‘s creative activity, why should Christians oppose disease and famine or help preserve an endangered species? If the fossils were formed during the creation week, then all things would he very good.
. . . theistic evolutionists … come into conflict with the whole pattern of Scripture: the great themes of Creation, the Fall and Redemption how God made the world perfect and beautiful; how man‘s sin brought a curse upon the world; and how Christ came to save us from our sins and to restore all things.
Belief in the false doctrine of evolution has now penetrated Christian schools and church communities by the method of higher criticism peddled by votaries of intellectual academic freedom in our midst who claim there is no important truth in mysteries or miracles beyond what is rationally or scientifically explainable.
They attempt to make the conflict between the Holy Spirit and the unholy spirit negotiable and reconcile evolution with the deity of Jesus. It is more than time to take inventory and credit Satan for what he is, the originator of the false doctrine of evolution and the father of all lies.
The sum and substance of the matter is this
- Atheistic and theistic evolution are cut from the same cloth.
- Here there is no difference. Both claim animal descent from ocean slime to amoeba to ape to man.
- All biological forms, man included, must evolve to greater complexity and perfection.
- The only real difference is that the former attributes it all to chance, while the latter to God’s direction and control.
The theistic evolutionist ignores the fact that if man evolved from animal and is still evolving to greater complexity and perfection, HE WAS NOT MADE IN THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD.
Mr. Jansma is owner of the Wolverine Gas and Oil Company of Grand Rapids.
*Abraham Kuiper said that any method God used would be miraculous. Well, all Christians believe this. But thai does not make one an evolutionist. It’s time Clarence Menninga stops dreaming.