The Reformed Theological College of Nigeria

I am infinitely grateful to the Lord for another opportunity to share with you news concerning RTCN. It is now quite a while since you heard from us. Because of this delay I suppose that many of you are becoming anxious about what has become of RTCN.

C.R.C. Board of Foreign Missions delegates visited RTCN – It was a special privilege to welcome to our old mission station two distinguished visitors from the Christian Reformed Board of Foreign Missions in Grand Rapids. Rev. H. Evenhouse. general secretary of the Board and Dr. E. Rubingh, Board Secretary for the Nigerian field, visited us here on the 26th day of August. They met with both the Shangev-Tiev consistory and the teaching staff of RTCN. The meeting was presided over by Rev. D. H. Yawe pastor of the Church. He reviewed the history of Missionary work leading to the actual establishment of NKST as a Church and explained that the sale aim for setting up a Reformed Seminary is to preserve that which the Church has received from the Mission. In conclusion, Rev. Yawe appealed to the Board delegates for understanding of NKST desire to preserve a distinctive Reformed theology in Nigeria. “NKST is looking to you for qualified teachers to staff RTCN,” he added.

RTCN First Semester Examination results – The following reflects the performances of RTCN students in the first Semester Examinations.


Letter grade:

A (high, 2; Low, 2; Very low, 0);
B (High, 2; Low, 1; Very low, 2);
C (High, 2; Low, 1; Very low 2);
D (High, 0; Low, 2; Very low, 1);
E (High, 0; Low, 0; Very low, 0)
Total of letter grade: 4 As, 5 Bs, 5 Cs, 3 Ds, 0 Es

The overall result of last semester examination is very satisfactory.

Health – We are grateful to the Lord for our continued good health. So far we have had only one ease of major disease. Peter Kama Though was down with Yellow Jaundice but has since joined his mates in the classroom.

Our hearts are bubbling over with joy for the safe arrival of Nguavese, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kpiishi Kuusll. Esther Kuusu gave birth to a gracious baby girl on the 30th of August. Nguavese is the first child of the College. Her name, which means “He is with us,” has been pertinently chosen. The name has been given from the realization of the fact that all the great achievements in our venture have been made possible because the Lord is with us. There can never be a better name for the first child of the College than Nguavese.

Report on Evangelistic Program of RTCN – Rev. Paul Pevikaa Agba, head of the Evangelism Department at RTCN, gives the following report:

“Greetings to you all in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am delighted to report to you on the work of Evangelism at RTCN. Since the aim of RTCN is to further the Kingdom of Christ, we are not only working with the Word of God in the classroom, but we are also working with it outside the classroom. Village Evangelism was launched a month after we had started classes. We are working with the Shangev Tiev consistory. Rev. D. H. Yawe and the consistory have assigned us to ten different preaching centers. Two of these centers were totally closed but have since been reopened by us.

“Most of this work is carried out by the students who are occasionally assisted by the teaching staff. The distance from the College to these preaching centers varies from two to seven miles. Now that Rev. Timothy Monsma is on furlough [he is now returned] we are compelled to assist with English service at Uavande Girls’ Secondary School. We have also organized catechism classes for little children around Mbaakpur.

“We are deeply impressed by our students’ enthusiasm in the work of Evangelism. Most of them travel miles on foot to their preaching centers. Some of these students use their personal bicycles for this assignment. Sometimes these bicycles break down and they use their personal money to repair them.”

Contributions – We request your prayers for RTCN Evangelism Program. For effective Evangelism we need wall pictures and other visual aids. We further need bicycles to cover greater distances than we have covered. You can send us these materials directly or send money to the Treasurer c/o Mkar P.A.; P.O. Gboko Benue/Plateau State, Nigeria.

RTCN has prepared a Gift Form for those wishing to donate to our cause. The Gift Form is designed to help you decide where you would like to apply your donations. Please, request the form, fill it, and send it back to the Principal directly. Do not send any money to the Principal. Send your money to the Treasurer, RTCN, Mkar P.A.; P.O. Gboko, Benue/Plateau State, Nigeria.

Financial Report – With joyful tears in our eyes we recognize the gracious gift of $18,577.32 from our Reformed brothers in the United States and Canada. Time and space will not permit me to list the names of all the congregations, societies, and individual persons who have so graciously and generously donated to our cause.

The following tables will indicate to our donors how their money has been utilized:

Outside contributions: From December 1970 to August 31, 1971 a total of $18,577.32 U.S. has been received from America.

Disbursement of the outside contributions: The following items are purchased for the college using mostly the money realized from donations.

One Typewriter 120 pound or 336 U.S. dollars
One Duplicator 160 pound or 448 U.S. dollars
Books 143 pound or 400 U.S. dollars
Furniture 120 pound or 336 U.S. dollars

Total 543 pound or 1520 U.S. dollars
Balance 17,057.32
17,057.32 dollars has been set aside for our huge building project.

NKST Contributions: Since most figures of NKST contributions are not immediately available to me, I intend to give only a partial report here. A full report of NKST financial contributions will be published at the end of the year after the Treasurer will have reported to the Synod in November this year [1971].

Praise – Praise the Lord for the apparent improved relation between the Church and Mission about the question of RTCN. Praise the Lord for the gracious gift of $18,577.32 we have received towards our building program.

Prayer – Pray for a teacher with advanced degree in theology to join RTCN staff. Pray that the Lord may move many more to donate to our building program. We still need $51,000 for the first phase of our building program.

Iyortyom Achineku is principal of the Reformed Theological College of Nigeria.