The Need for Library Books

All along in the preceding article I have tried to stress the need for transmitting and preserving the Reformed truth in Nigeria. I am sure you will agree with me that the best way to do this is through books. We cannot expect Paul, Augustine, Calvin, Abraham Kuyper, Bavinck, and a host of other great Church leaders to lecture at the Reformed Theological College of Nigeria. But the great truths which these servants of God discovered can be transmitted to us in a personal way through the printed page.

We at the Reformed Theological College of Nigeria are so sorely lacking in this vitally important means of transmitting and preserving the Reformed truth. I therefore take this opportunity to appeal to all our Reformed brothers to prayerfully consider this need. Books on Dogmatics, Bible History (O.T. and N.T.), Homiletics, Church History, Principles of Interpretation, Christian Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Pastoral Theology, Christian Education, Missions, Counseling, Evangelism, and books in other areas are greatly needed.

Those desiring to give for this Library Fund should not send their contributions to Nigeria but rather to The Reformed Fellowship, P.O. Box 7383, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49510. This organization has consented to select the books and forward them to us in Nigeria. Checks should be made out to Reformed Fellowship for Tiv Seminary Library Fund.

Used books from the libraries of retired or deceased ministers will be equally appreciated. Please contact the Reformed Fellowship for more information.