Sound Bites -1989

January 1989

“The gospel of Christ challenges not only our morality but our intellect as well. Intellectual sin needs to be repented.”

Science Held Hostage Paul J. Murphy

“General revelation is not part of a lecture which God as the divine professor addresses us. Rather, general revelation has the main purpose of making fallen man feel uneasy before a greater power.”

A Fresh Look at General Revelation Theodore Plantinga

“I dare not judge how God responds to those who imply that He is ‘tricky’ or ‘deceptive.’ Those are the biblical descriptions of Satan, not God.”

A Statement of Conviction Jacob Terpstra

February 1989

“The gospel will not permit us to keep on supporting a church that increasingly contradicts everything that it commands us to preach and teach.”

Considering Our Course Peter De Jong

March 1989

“We don’t really have a ‘youth problem’ in our churches. We have a parental problem more than anything else.”

Children’s Worship Jelle Tuininga

April 1989

“Put yourself and your family in a church where the Word of God is interpreted, explained, and applied. Don’t confuse loyalty with responsibility or sentiment with faithfulness.”

Spiritual Anorexia Stephen M. Arrick

June 1989

“Contrary to their image, and with few exceptions, heretics are nice people.”

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“Not the gentility of his language, not the respectability of his position, not the whiteness of his teeth, not the tailoring of his suit, not the make-up of his personality, not the keenness of his intellect, but rather the content of his teaching, marks the heretic and marks the orthodox.”

Heretics are Nice People David A. Kloosterman

“A church married to the world finds itself a widow in short order.”

The Church for the World Jelle Tuininga

July/August 1989

“The urge to experiment with the pulpit and to loosen up the liturgy in the hope of making it more meaningful and lively is a fallacy. That Word properly preached doesn’t need our help to be effective.”

So What? Fred Kooinga

October 1989

“When the line of demarcation between church and world is slowly wiped out, all the ‘evangelism’ in the world isn’t going to revive it.”

Outreach Jelle Tuininga

December 1989

“We Christians have become so saturated with the self-love message, that we can hardly discern anymore between what comes from the pen of some psychologist and what the Bible says.”

“Project Charlie” in Our Schools Valerie E. Heerema