Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

Rev. Harry Downs’ article in THE OUTLOOK of June 75 gives liS a very sensitive evaluation of the proposed translation of the Heidelberg Catechism. There’s very much 10 be gained in reading this article. His firstarea of weakness” is of special interest liS it concerns much of what is really happening today, As you know, for many years PURITANISM has been the whipping boy for many of the ills in our society. With the coming of the bicentennial “original sin” has been added. A commentator on the radio tells us that colonial education failed because of the doctrine of original sin. A bacteriologist (Roxbury: Microbes and Morals) tells us that this doctrine is the cause of the high incidence of VD. Removing the term OS from the translation certainly will not answer this type of criticism. It’s hard to understand why the church remains silent in the face of these attacks. The Roman Catholics have given us two apologists who are authors of best sellers: Anthony Burgess and Jimmy Breslin. Surely we are not going to back off in the face of this attack.

Count the Cost! You can do this by reviewing the history of Germany in this century. After “evolution” became firmly established, “Original Sin,” the BIBLE and GOD became totally unacceptable. The educators, psychiatrists and medical supervisors adopted what was known as the “utilitarian medical ethic.” The guide posts in this path of horrors is familiar: abortion, mass sterilizations, euthanasia, and in 1939 the “mercy killings” of 275,000 undesirables. This included mental patients, WW I amputees, deformed and retarded children and many other of the very sick. It has been said that if you do not learn from history you will have to repeat it. Another thought to remember is that every time history repeats itself the price goes up!


Dear Editor:

He who tills the soil is a Farmer. He who builds homes is a Contractor. He who practices law is an Attorney. He who heals the sick is a Doctor. He who judges is “Your Honor.” He who is God is just plain You.”

No one less than the Creator of Heaven and Earth and the Sustainer of Life. He is the One who formed the Universe, with all its planets, sun, moon and the innumerable hosts of stars, all of which He knows by name. It seems so degrading to us, that insignificant, sinful human beings, should call this Holy One “You” in our public prayers.