Letter to the Editor

The Editor: TORCH AND TRUMPET Grand Rapids, Michigan

Dear Sirs:

It seems that an explanation is required for a lecture of mine published under the title “Reformation or Revolution” in the January issue of TORCH AND TRUMPET. Because of misunderstanding and faulty communication the article appeared in your journal without indication in a footnote that it was based on notes for a lecture. But the lecture was never intended for publication in the form in which it appeared. The version used was a photostatic copy of the original which I still possess.

It certainly was not up to my own standards of scholarship since it did not include all the references to material I had used and acknowledged in oral delivery. As a result of this unfortunate misunderstanding the impression has been gained by some of your readers that I plagiarized material from my good friend Dr. Francis Schaeffer. Last year I had the pleasure of meeting him in person and then took the opportunity of presenting him with a copy of my first major work, The Christian Philosophy of Law, Politics and the State, as a token of the high esteem in which I hold him.

May I now take this opportunity of acknowledging my indebtedness to Dr. Schaeffer for material used in the first part of the article you published, especially on page.s three to five, based on his excellent little book Escape from Reason. I have already gladly acknowledged my debt to Dr. Schaeffer, whom I consider to be America’s greatest living evangelist abroad today in my next major work Reformation or Revolution which went to my publisher long before you published the above mentioned lecture.

Yours truly,