Index Volume XXX (1980)

To find any item in this index note the numbers following the item, such as 6:2. This means that you will find what you are looking for in the June issue (6) on page 2.

In the index of book reviews the name in the parenthesis identifies the reviewer.


BLANKESPOOR, JOHN All sufficient Word of God  10:10 Beautiful cry of children  1:18 Christian and his work  9:4 Dynamic Christian mission work  2:2 God the friend and protector of the righteous  8:21 Jesusacquaintances at the cross  3:12 Jesus, the resurrection and the life  4:12 Miracle of Immanuel  12:2 Obedient to the call of death  6:18 Sheba’s queen marveling at Solomon’s glory  7:14 Thanksgiving zealots  11:2 We see Jesus, our exalted Lord  5:2

BOS, GERDA Thanksgiving: the way it really wa11:13

DE JONG, NORMAN Text for the women’s movement?  3:17

DE JONG, PETER Baarda at Calvin Seminary  12:9 Condition of real freedom  7:4 Do we have the wrong Belgic Confession?  10:2 Educational double-mindedness  11:6 I expect the resurrection  4:16 Iain Murray on the beginnings of church demoralization  11:15 J. G. Vos on the “imprecatory” Psalms  2:15 Mendelssohn on the ministry  10:20 Pattern of apostasy  1:8 Quotas and Christian giving  9:2 Real adults must discriminate  :9 Reformed Fellowship annual meeting  12:22 Spotlighting the issues  3:15; 4:18; 5:7; 6:17; 7:11; 8:7; 9:10 Textual catechism preachin7:21 Tribute to D. Martyn LloydJones  8:8 Virgin birth of Christ   12:12 What’s coming up at the CRC synod?  6:6

DE JONG , PETER Y., trans. Let the church be church, by C. Veenhof Christis all in all  6:13 “Congregation of believers”  7:20 I “believe” one church  3:16 Join yourself to the church  9:7 Knowing ourselves as sinners who live by God’s grace  10:8 No faith IN the church  5:6

ESSENBURG. ROTHA J. Unseen life (poem)  5:3

FABER, MORRIS H. Searching for the real Jesus  4:2


GODFREY,W.ROBERT Reprobation: Boer vs. the Bible  5:13

HEEREMA, EDWARD Evaluation of the Boer gravamen  2:4

HEGEMAN. NEAL Canadian CR church growth  7:16 Christian and his body  5:19 Church growth and the CRC  6:19 Church growth in Christian Reformed Churches: De Gereformeerde Kerken in theNetherlands  10:17

HINE, DAVID C. Christian schools: more for less  3:2

HULSE, SHARON Writings of Augustine  7:9

JACKSON, JOHN R. Need for Reformed evangelism   5:9 Sell our heritage for a song?  7:2 Stewardship and the “older” minister   12:4

JANSEN, ANNETTA Compassion (poem)  4:13 My strength (poem)  7:23 Only believe (poem)  5:18 Prayer for missionaries (poem)  7:15 Publican or pharisee? (poem)  7:4 True comfort (poem)   6:24 Twelve years ago (poem)  11:12

JULIEN, JEROME M. Doctrine of Christ – Christ: our eternal king  1:2 Christ: our satisfaction  3:4 Christ’s atoning death  4:14 States of Christ  5:10 Steps of exaltation  7:18 Steps of humiliation  6:15

LEESTMA. REIN Reprobation issue  3:5; 4:9

MADANY, SHIRLEY W. Separation and divorce  7:8

MONSMA, TIMOTHY Mission themes in the Belgic Confession  2:21 Mission themes in the Heidelberg Catechism  1:19

OOSTENDORP, LUBBERTUS Doctrine of salvation – Faith and salvation  10:21 God’s salvation  12:15 Salvation, some Biblical perspectives  9:22 Salvation, what is it?  8:11 Saving faith  11:17

PALMER, EDWIN H. CRC or CCC?  4:17 Twelve theses on reprobation  6:24

PIERSMA, JOHN H. Concern for truth  12:10 Death of a friend  11:11 Do Jim Jones and the Guyana tragedy mean anything for the Reformed community?  9:18 Looking forward to the next synod: will the peace and goodwill of 1980 prevail?  11:4 What can we do about it?  1:16 What do Calvin Theological Seminary students think about women in ecclesiastical office?  12:5

PRAAMSMA, LOUIS Rationalism – on which side? (II) Attack on reprobation  1:6

SCHEUERS, RONALD Place of women in the Bible: a critique  7:12

STAR, RING More about the homosexual problem  10:11

STERK, VERN Toward a financially responsible indigenous church  9:8

TAYLOR, E.L. HEBDEN American military strategy in the light of Christian doctrine of war  2:13 First legalized abortion, now legalized euthanasia  6:11

TRENEV, STEFAN Word lesson  10:9

TUININGA, CECIL Who’s boss?  6:22

TUININGA, JELLE High heels and wasted food  1:15

VANDEN EINDE, HARLAN Appointed to disobedience?  3:24 On fund raising  1:14 Report on synod 1980  8:2

VANDEN HEUVEL, HENRY Ministering to the young adults  5:17

VANDEN HEUVEL, LAURIE ERA -the equal responsibilities amendment  10:6 Family planning  4:20 Family planning: bridges – not walls  2:6 Family planning: image-bearers  3:8 Family planning: parent-potters  1:10 Spiritual nutrition  6:4 3-R’s  5:11

VANDER KAM, HENRY Break overdue!  7:5 Lessons from Genesis 1–11  1:11; 2:10; 3:9 Thessalonian lessons  8:15; 9:12; 10:13; 11:19; 12:17

VANDERLAAN, ROBERT Christian school founders’ aims  7:5

VANDER PLOEG, JOHN Caricature of a conservative  5:4 For those in church office  2:19 Inerrancy issue  11:8 Savage wolves, dumb (mute) dogs, and the Lord’s sheep  1:4 What others say: is capital punishment obligatory in the case of murder?  4:19; 5:8; 6:21 What others say: reprobation and Boer’s gravamen   4:11; 5:8; 6:21 Whatsoever things are pure   6:2 Who’s who at Christmas  12:6

VAN HEMERT, JOHN Battle for the Lord’s day: Sunday legislation for British Columbia  12:8

VAN HOUTEN, FRED How do we hear?  2:7

VAN SOLKEMA, MARK Considering our course   1:17

VEENHOF, C. Let the church be church (P. Y. DeJong, trans.) Christ is all and in all   6:13 “Congregation of believers”  7:20 I “believe” one church  3:16 Join yourself to the church  9:7 Knowing ourselves as sinners who live by God’s grace  10:8 No faith IN church  5:6

VOS, J. G. Imprecatory psalms  2:15 What is Christian education?  4:4

WOLTJER. HERMAN World events in the light of Scripture  8:13

YOUNG, EDWARD J. Unerring Bible – a lost cause?  9:16


All sufficient word of God, J. Blankespoor  10:10 American military strategy in the light of Christian doctrine of war, E. L. H. Taylor  2:13 Appointed to disobedience, H. Vanden Einde  3:24

Baarda at Calvin Seminary, P. DeJong   12:9 Battle for the Lord’s day: Sunday legislation for British Columbia, J. Van Hemert  12:8 Beautiful cry of children, J. Blankespoor  1:18 Break overdue! H. Vander Kam  7:5

CRC or CCC? E. H. Palmer  4:17 Canadian CR church growth, N. Hegeman  7:16 Capital punishment report, First CRC of Lethbridge, Alberta Consistory  9:5 Caricature of a conservative, J. Vander Ploeg  5:4 Christ – our eternal king, J. M. Julien  1:2 Christ – our satisfaction, J. M. Julien  3:4 Christ’s atoning death, J. M. Julien  4:14 Christian and his body, N. Hegeman  5:19 Christian and his work. J. Blankespoor  9:4 Christian school founders’ aims, R. VanderLaan  7:5 Christian schools: more for less? D. C. Hine  3:2 Church growth and the CRC, N. Hegeman  6:19 Church growth in the Christian Reformed Churches: De Gereformeerde Kerken in the Netherlands, N. Hegeman  10:17 Compassion (poem), A. Jansen  4:13 Concern for truth, J. H. Piersma  12:10 Condition of real freedom, P. DeJong  7:4 Considering our course, M. Van Solkema  1:17 Death of a friend, J. H. Piersma  11:11 Do Jim Jones and the Guyana tragedy mean anything for the Reformed community? J. H. Piersma  9:18 Do we have the wrong Belgic Confession? P. DeJong  10:2

Doctrine of Christ, J. M. Julien Christ – our eternal king  1:2 Christ – our satisfaction  3:4 Christ’s atoning death  4:14 States of Christ  5:10 Steps of exaltation  7:18 Steps of humiliation  6:15

Doctrine of salvation, L. Oostendorp Faith and salvation  10:21 God’s salvation   12:15 Salvation, some Biblical perspectives  9:22 Salvation, what is it?  8:11 Saving faith  11:17

Dynamic Christian mission work, J. Blankespoor  2:2

ERA – the equal responsibilities amendment, L. Vanden Heuvel  10:6 Educational double-mindedness. P. DeJong  11:6 Evaluation of the Boer gravamen, E. Heerema  2:4

Faith and salvation, L. Oostendorp  10:21 Family planning, L. Vanden Heuvel  4:20 Family planning: bridges not walls, L. Vanden Heuvel  2:6 Family planning: imagebearers, L. Vanden Heuvel  3:8 Family planning: parentpotters, L. Vanden Heuvel  1:10 First legalized abortion, now legalized euthanasia E.L.H. Taylor  6:11 For those in church office. J. Vander Ploeg  2:19

God the friend and protector of the righteous, J. Blankespoor  8:20 God’s salvation, L. Oostendorp  12:15

High heels and wasted food, J. Tuininga  1:15 How do we hear? F. VanHouten  2:7

I expect the resurrection, P. DeJong  4:16 lain Murray on the beginnings of church demoralization, P. DeJong  11:15 Inerrancy issue, J. Vander Ploeg  11:8 Is capital punishment obligatory in the case of murder, J. Vander Ploeg  4:19; 5:8; 6:21

J. G. Vos on the “imprecatory psalms,” P. DeJong  2:15 Jesus’ acquaintances at the cross, J. Blankespoor  3:12 Jesus, the resurrection and thelife, J. Blankespoor  4:12

Lessons from Genesis 1–11, H. Vander Kam  1:11; 2:10; 3:9 Let the church be church, C. Veenhof (P. Y. DeJong, trans.) Christ is all and in all   6:13 “Congregation of believers”   7:20 I “believe” one church  3:16 Join yourself to the church  9:7 Knowing ourselves as sinners who live by God’s grace  10:8 No faith IN the church  5:6 Looking forward to the next synod: will the peace and goodwill of 1980 prevail? J. H. Piersma  11:4

Mendelssohn on the ministry, P. De Jong  10:20 Ministering to the young adults, H. VandenHeuvel  5:17 Miracle of Immanuel, J. Blankespoor  12:2 Mission themes in the Belgic Confession, T. Monsma  2:21 Mission themes in the Heidelberg Catechism, T. Monsma  1:19 More about the homosexual problem, R. Star  10:11 My strength (poem), A. Jansen  7:23

Need for Reformed evangelism, J. R. Jackson  5:9

Obedient to the call of death, J. Blankespoor  6:18 On fund raising, H. Vanden Einde  1:14 Only believe! (poem), A. Jansen  5:18 Our question box, H. Vanden Einde  1:14; 3:24

Pattern of apostasy, P. DeJong  1:8 Place of women in the Bible: a critique, R. Scheuers  7:12 Prayer for missionaries (poem), A. Jansen  7:15 Publican or pharisee? (poem), A. Jansen  7:4

Quotas and Christian giving, P. DeJong  9:2

Rationalism – on which side? (II) Attack on reprobation, L. Praamsma  1:6 Real adults must discriminate, P. De Jong  1:9 Reformed Fellowship annual meeting, P.DeJong  12:22 Reformed women speak ERA – the equal responsibilities amendment, L. Vanden Heuvel  10:6 Family planning, L. Vanden Heuvel   4:20 Family planning: bridges – not walls, L. Vanden Heuvel  2:6 Family planning: image-bearers, L. Vanden Heuvel  3:8 Family planning: parentpotters, L. Vanden Heuvel  1:10 Separation and divorce, S. W. Madany  7:8 Spiritual nutrition, L. Vanden Heuvel  6:4 Thanksgiving: the way it really was, G. Bos  11:13 3 R’s, L. Vanden Heuvel  5:11 Report on synod 1980, H. Vanden Einde  8:2 Reprobation and Boer’s gravamen, J. Vander Ploeg  4:11; 5:8; 6:21 Reprobation: Boer vs. the Bible, W. R. Godfrey  5:13 Reprobation issue, R. Leestma  3:5; 4:9

Salvat!on, some Biblical perspectives, L. Oostendorp  9:22 Salvation, what is it, L. Oostendorp  8:11 Savage wolves, dumb (mute) dogs, and the Lord’s sheep, J. Vander Ploeg 1:4, L. Oostendorp  11:17 Searching for the real Jesus, M. Faber  4:2 Sell our heritage for a song, J. R. Jackson  7:2 Separation and divorce, S. W. Madany  7:8 Sheba’s queen marveling at Solomon’s glory, J. Blankespoor  7:14 Spiritual nutrition, L. Vanden Heuvel  6:4 Spotlighting the issues, P. De Jong  3:15; 4:19; 5:7; 6:17; 7:11; 8:7; 9:10 States of Christ, J. M. Julien  5:10 Steps of exaltation, J. M. Julien  7:18 Steps of humiliation, J. M. Julien  6:15 Stewardship and the “older” minister, J. R. Jackson  12:4

Text for the women’s movement, N. De Jong  3:17 Textual catechism preaching, P. De Jong  7:21 Thanksgiving: the way it really was, G. Bos  11:13 Thanksgiving zealots, J. Blankespoor  11:2 Thessalonian lessons, H. Vander Kam  8:15; 9:12; 10:13; 11:19; 12:17 3 R’s, L. Vanden Heuvel  5:11 Toward a financially responsible indigenous church, V. Sterk  9:8 Tribute to D. Martyn LloydJones, P. DeJong  8:8 True comfort (poem), A. Jansen  6:24 Twelve theses on reprobation, E. H. Palmer  6:24 Twelve years ago (poem), A. Jansen  11:12

UnerringBible – a lost cause? E. J. Young  9:16 Unseen life (poem), R. J. Essenburg  5:3

Verhey case to be appealed  3:14 Virgin birth of Christ, P. DeJong  12:12

We see Jesus, our exalted Lord, J. Blankespoor  5:2 What do Calvin Theological Seminary students think about women in ecclesiastical office? J. H. Piersma  12:5 What can we do about it? J. H. Piersma  1:16 What is Christian education? J. G. Vos  4:4 What’s coming up at the CRC synod? P. DeJong  6:5 Whatsoever things are pure . . . , J. Vander Ploeg  6:2 Who’s boss? C. Tuininga  6:22 Who’s who at Christmas, J. Vander Ploeg  12:6 Word lesson, S. Trenev  10:9 World events in the light of Scripture, H. Woltjer  8:13 Writings of Augustine, S. Hulse  7:9




Spotlighting the issues, P. DeJong  3:15


Writings of Augustine, S. Hulse  7:9


Do we have the wrong Belgic Confession? P. DeJong  10:2 Mission themes in the Belgic Confession, T. Monsma  2:21


Baarda at Calvin Seminary, P. DeJong  12:9 Inerrancy issue, J. Vander Ploeg  11:8 Spotlighting the issues, P. DeJong   4:18 Unerring Bible – a lost cause? E. J. Young  9:16


Baarda at Calvin Seminary, P. DeJong  12:9 Educational doublemindedness, P. DeJong  11:6 What do Calvin Theological Seminary students think about women in ecclesiastical office? J. H. Piersma  12:5


Capital punishment report, First CRC of Lethbridge, Alberta Consistory  9:5 Is capital punishment obligatory in the case of murder? J. Vander Ploeg  4:19; 5:8; 6:21


Christian school founders’ aims, R. Vander Laan  7:5 Christian schools: more for less? D. C. Hine  3:2 Covenantal education! P. De Jong  8:7 Educational double-mindedness, P . DeJong  11.6 3 R’s, L. Vanden Heuvel  5:11 What is Christian education? J. G. Vos  4:4


Family planning, L. Vanden Heuvel  4:20 Family planning: bridges – not walls, L. Vanden Heuvel  2:6 Family planning: image-bearers, L. Vanden Heuvel  3:8 Family planning: parent-potters, L. Vanden Heuvel   1:10 Spiritual nutrition, L. Vanden Heuvel  6:4 Who’s boss? C. Tuininga  6:22


Christian and his body, N. Hegeman  5:19 Christian and his work, J. Blankespoor  9:4 Concern for truth, J. H. Piersma  12:10 Condition of real freedom, P. DeJong  7:4 Godly life, P. DeJong  7:11 High heels and wasted food, J. Tuininga  1:15 Real adults must discriminate, P. DeJong  1:9 Separation and divorce, S. W. Madany  7:8 Whatsoever things are pure . . . ,J. Vander Ploeg  6:2


Break overdue? H. Vander Kam  7:5 CRC or CCC? E. H. Palmer  4:17 Canadian CR church growth, N. Hegeman  7:16 Church growth and the CRC, N. Hegeman  6:19 Considering our course, M. Van Solkema  1:17 Dowe have the wrong Belgic Confession? P.De Jong  10:2 Pattern of authority, P. De Jong  1:8 Savage wolves, dumb (mute) dogs, and the Lord’s sheep, J. Vander Ploeg  1:4 What can we do about it?J. H. Piersma  1:15


Evaluation of the Boer gravamen, E. Heerema  2:4 Looking forward to the next synod: will the peace and goodwill of 1980 prevail? J. H. Piersma  1:4 Report of synod 1980, H. Vanden Einde  8:2 Verhey case to be appealed  3:14 What’s coming up at the CRC synod? P. DeJong  6:5



Let the church be church, C. Veenhof (P. Y. DeJong, trans.)  3:16; 4:6; 5:13; 7:20; 9:7; 10:8 Pattern of apostasy, P. DeJong  1:8 Spotlighting the issues, P. DeJong  6:17


Iain Murray on the beginnings of church demoralization, P.DeJong  11:15


Break overdue! H. Vander Kam  7:5 Church growth in Christian Reformed Churches: De Gereformeerde Kerken in the Netherlands, N. Hegeman  10:17


Savage wolves, dumb (mute) dogs, and the Lord’s sheep, J. Vander Ploeg  1:4 What can we do about it? J. H. Piersma  1:16

CHURCH, TRENDS IN Concern for truth, J. H. Piersma   12:10 Iain Murray on the beginnings of church demoralization,P. De Jong  11:15 Spotlighting the issues, P. De Jong  3:15; 4:18; 5:7; 6:17


Do we have the wrong Belgic Confession? P. De Jong  10:2 Mission themes in the Belgic Confession, T. Monsma  2:21 Mission themes in the Heidelberg Catechism, T. Monsma  1:19 Spotlighting the issues, P. DeJong   5:7


Do Jim Jones and the Guyana tragedy mean anything for the Reformed community? J. H. Piersma  9:18

ERA (Equal Rights Amendment)

ERA – the equal responsibilities amendment, L. VandenHeuvel   10:6


Text for the woman’s movement, N. De Jong  3:17 Word Jesson, S. Trenev  10:9 Place of women in the Bible: a critique, R. Scheuers  7:12


First legalized abortion, now legalized euthanasia, E.H.L Taylor (reply 8:21)  6:11


Canadian CR church growth, N. Hegeman  7:16 Church growth and the CRC, N. Hegeman  6:19 Need for Reformed evangelism, J. R. Jackson  5:9


Lessons from Genesis 1–11, H. Vander Kam  1:11; 2:10; 3:9


On fund raising, H. Vanden Einde  1:14 Quotas and Christian giving, P. De Jong  9:2


Mission themes in the Heidelberg Catechism, T. Monsma  1:19 Textual catechism preaching, P. De Jong  7:21


More about the homosexual problem, R. Star  10:11


J. G. Vos on the “imprecatory” psalms, P. DeJong  2:15


Doctrine of Christ, J. M. Julien Christ – our eternal king  1:2 Christ – our satisfaction  3:4 Christ’s atoning death  4:14 States of Christ   5:10 Steps of exaltation  7:18 Steps of humiliation  6:15 Searching for the real Jesus, M. Faber  4:2 We see Jesus, our exalted Lord, J . Blankespoor  5:2 Who’s who at Christmas, J. Vander Ploeg  12:6


Miracle of Immanuel, J. Blankespoor  12:2 Virgin birth of Christ, P . DeJong  2:12 Who’s who at Christmas, J. Vander Ploeg  12:6


I expect the resurrection, P. DeJong  4:16 Jesus, the resurrection and the life, J. Blankespoor  4:12


Spotlighting the issues, P. DeJong  9:10


World events in the light of Scripture, H. Woltjer  8:13


Tribute to D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, P. De Jong  8:8



Family planning: image-bearers, L. Vanden Heuvel   3:8


Who’s boss? C. Tuininga  6:22


All sufficient Word of God (Lk. 16:29), J. Blankespoor  10:10 Beautiful cry of children (Rom. 8:15), J. Blankespoor  1:18 Christian and his work (Eccl. 2:18, II Thess. 3:12), J. Blankespoor  9:4 Condition of real freedom (John 8:31, 32, 38), P. DeJong  7:4 Dynamic Christian mission work (Acts 16:30, 31), J. Blankespoor  2:2 God the friend and protector of the righteous (Gen.18:23-25), J. Blankespoor  8:21 I expect the resurrection (I Pet. 1:3), P. DeJong  4:16 Jesus’ acquaintances at the cross (Luke 23:49), J. Blankespoor  3:12 Jesus, the resurrection and t he life (John 11:25, 26), J. Blankespoor  4:12 Miracle of Immanuel (Matt. 1:23b), J. Blankespoor  12:2 Obedient to the call of death (Deut. 34:5, 7), J. Blankespoor  6:18 Real adults must discriminate (Heb. 5:14), P. De Jong  1:9 Sheba’s queen marveling at Solomon‘s glory (II Chron. 9:19), J. Blankespoor  7:14 Thanksgiving zealots (Hos.10:1, 2), J. Blankespoor  11:2 We see Jesus, our exalted Lord (Heb. 2:9), J. Blankespoor  5:2


Mendelssohn on the ministry, P. De Jong  10:20 Stewardship and the “older” minister, J. R. Jackson  12:4


Canadian CR church growth, N. Hegeman  7:16 Church growth and the CRC, N. Hegeman  6:19 Dynamic Christian mission work, J . Blankespoor  1:2 Mission themes in the Belgic Confession, T. Monsma   2:21 Mission themes in the Heidelberg Catechism, T. Monsma  1:19 Toward a financially responsible indigenous church, V. Sterk  9:8


Mendelssohn on the ministry, P. DeJong  10:20 Sell our heritage for a song? J. R. Jackson  7:2

NEW YEAR‘S DAY Beautiful cry of children, J. Blankespoor  1:18

PALMER, EDWIN B. Death of a friend, J. B. Piersma  1:11

POETRY Compassion, A. Jansen  4:13 My strength, A. Jansen  7:23 Only believe! A. Jansen  5:18 Prayer for missionaries, A. Jansen  7:15 Publican or pharisee?A. Jansen  7:4 True comfort, A. Jansen  6:24 Twelve years ago, A. Jansen  11:12 Unseen life, R. Essenburg  5:3


How do we hear? F. Van Houten  2:7 Textual catechism preaching, P. De Jong  7:21


Doctrine of Christ, J . M. Julien Christ – our eternal king  1:2 Christ – our satisfaction  3:4 Christ’s atoning death  4:14 States of Christ  5:10 Steps of exaltation  7:18 Steps of humiliation  6:15 Doctrine of salvation, L. Oostendorp Faith and salvation  10:21 God’s salvation  12:15 Salvation, some Biblical perspectives  9:22 Salvation, what is it?  8:11 Saving faith  11:17 Spotlighting the issues, P. De Jong  3:15; 4:18; 5:7; 6:17; 7:11; 8:7; 9:10


Reformed Fellowship annual meeting, P. De Jong  12:22


Appointed to disobedience? H. G. Vanden Einde  3:24 Evaluation of the Boer gravamen, E. Heerema  2:4 Rationalism – on which side? (II) Attack on reprobation, L. Praamsma  1:6 Reprobation and Boer’s gravamen, J. Vander Ploeg  4:11; 5:8; 6:21 Reprobation: Boer vs. the Bible, W. R. Godfrey  5:13 Reprobation issue, R. Leestma  3:5; 4:9 Twelve theses on reprobation, E. H. Palmer  6:24


Battle for the Lord’s day: Sunday legislation for British Columbia, J. Van Hemert  12:8


Doctrine of salvation, L. Oostendorp Faith and salvation  10:21 God’s salvation  12:15 Salvation, some Biblical perspectives  9:22 Salvation, what is it?  8:11 Saving faith  11:17


Lessons from Genesis 1·11, H. Vander Kam  1:11; 2:10; 3:9 Thessalonian lessons, H. Vander Kam  8:15; 9:12; 10:13; 11:19; 12:17


Thanksgiving; the way it really was, G. Bos  11:13


Concern for truth, J. H. Piersma  12:10


American military strategy in the light of Christian doctrine of war, E . L. H. Taylor  2:13


Place of women in the Bible: a critique, R. Scheuers  7:13 Text for the women’s movement? N . De Jong  3:17 What do Calvin Theological Seminary students think about women in ecclesiastical office? J. H. Piersma  12:5


Sell our heritage for a song? J. R. Jackson  7:2


Ministering to the young adults, H. Vanden Heuvel   5:17


Adams, Jay E., Pastoral leadership (G. H. Stoutmeyer)  3:23

Adams, Jay E., Shepherding God’s flock, Vols I and II (W.H. Rutgers)  1:23

Adams, Jay E., ed., Journal of pastoral practice (E. H. Oostendorp)  11:24

Alexander , J. W ., Thoughts on preaching (J. R. Jackson)  1:23

Barth, Karl, Preaching through the Christian year (J. Tuininga)  2:23

Battles, Ford Lewis, ed., Piety of John Calvin (L. Greenway)  4:23

Berghoef, Gerard and De Koster, Lester, Elders handbook (J. Vander Ploeg)  2:20

Bloem, Diana, Woman’s workshop on Proverbs (K. J. Gunnink)  4:23

Boersma, T., Is the Bible a jigsaw puzzle (L. Kerkstra)  8:23

Bogard, David, Valleys and vistas after losing life’s partner (J. Vander Ploeg)  5:24

Bridges, Charles (G. F. Santa, ed.), Modern study in the book of Proverbs (J. Vander Ploeg)  5:24

Brink, William P. and De Ridder, R. R., 1979 manual of Christian Reformed Church government (J. Vander Ploeg)  2:19

Bromiley, Geoffrey W., ed., International standard Bible encyclopedia (J. Vander Ploeg)  4:22

Bunyan, John, Riches of John Bunyan (H . Hollander)  7:23

Cheeseman, John, et. al., Grace of God in the gospel of grace (H. Erffmeyer)  1:22

Cummings, Calvin Knox, Confessing Christ (A. MacLeod2:23

Custance, Arthur C., Sovereignty of grace (F. Van Houten)  5:23

Daane, James, Preaching with confidence – a theological essay on the power of the pulpit (J. Vander Ploeg)  12:24

Dahl, Gerald L., Why Christian marriages are breaking up  4:22

De Haan, Richard, Happiness is not an accident (D. J. Negen)  5:23

DeJong, Gerald F., Dutch Reformed Church in the American colonies (J. Vander Ploeg)  4:23

DePree, Gladys and Gordon, Blade of grass (A. Bultman)  5:24

Elkins, Michael, Forged in fury (F. Einfield)  12:24

Epp, Frank H., Strategy for peace (F. Van Houten)  1:21

Escott, Harry, ed., Cure of souls: an anthology of P.T. Forsyth’s practical writings (F. Einfield)  12:24

Evslin, Dorothy, Marigold mornings: a family love story (H. Monsma)  1:22

Fennema, Jack, Nurturing children in the Lord (C. Vogel)  5:23

Greenway, Roger, ed., World to win: preaching world missions today (J. M. Julien)  12:23

Gritter, George, Good morning, Lord – devotions on favorite texts (C. Vanden Heuvel)  2:24

Gruss, Edmond Charles, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Prophetic speculation (J. M. Julien)  12:23

Heppe, Heinrich, Reformed dogmatics (J. A. DeJong)  3:19

Hubbard, David Allan, More Psalms for all seasons (L. Kerkstra)  12:23

Hughes, Philip E., Control of human life (R. O. De Groot)  4:23

lngeneri, Paul M., Decade of unrest – the issue of women in church office in the CRC (J. Vander Ploeg)   12:24

Johnson, Elsie M., Man of Geneva (F. Gunnink)  8:22

Kalsbeek, L. and Zylstra, Bernard and Josina, eds., Contours of a Christian philosophy – an introduction to Herman Dooyeweerd’s thought (J.D. Tangelder)  1:21

Kane, J . Herbert, Making of a missionary (J. M. Julien)  12:23

Kearns, Phil and Wead, Doug, People’s Temple – people’s tomb (J. Vander Ploeg)  4:24

Keddie, John W., Why Psalms only? (A. MacLeod)  12:23

Kennedy, Jon R., Reformation of journalism: a Christian approach to mass communication (J. Gray)  3:22

Kistemaker, Simon, Calvinism: its history, principles and perspectives (L. Stockmeier)  1:22

Knight, George W. III, Role relation of man and woman and the teaching/ruling functions in the church (E. H. Oostendorp)  11:24

Kranendonk, D. L., Christian day schools: why and how (J. R. Jackson)   2:24

Kuyper, Abraham, To be near unto God  4:22

Ladd, George Eldon, Presence of the future: the eschatology of Biblical realism (M. Faber)  7:23

Lambregtse, Cornelius, He gathers his lambs (J. Vander Ploeg)  8:23

Leahy, FrederickS., Satan cast out: a study in Biblical demonology (J. M. Julien)  10:23

Lightfoot, Neil R., Jesus Christ today (H. Vanden Heuvel)   3:22

Mack, Wayne, Homework manual for Biblical counselors (H. Bossenbroek2:24

Marshall, I. Howard, Gospel of Luke: a commentary on the Greek text(J. M. Julien11:24

Martin, Hugh, ProphetJonah (F. Gunnink)  8:22

Martin, Hugh, Prophet Jonah: his character and mission to Nineveh (C. Admiraal)  5:24

Monsma, Timothy, Urban strategy for Africa (H. De Groot)  5:22

Mooneyham, W. Stanley, China – a new day (J. Vander Ploeg)  7:23

Morey, Robert A., Christian handbook for defending the faith (P. Vander Weide)  2:24

Morris, Henry M., Explore the Word (C. Vander Meyden)  1:24

Morris, Henry M., Scientific case for creation (A. Mennega)  1:22

Morris, Henry M.,  Troubled waters of evolution (J.M. Julien)  12:24

Murphy, Chuck, There’s no business like God’s business (L. W. Van Dellen)  3:22

Mac Nair, Donald J., Growing local church (E. H. Oostendorp)  3:23

Newberry Reference Bible (H. J. Boekhoven)  3:22

NortonTaylor, Duncan, God’s man (a novel on the liie ofJohn Calvin)  4:22

Overduin, J., Faith and victory in Dachau (G. De Vries)  1:24

Paxton, Geoffrey J., Shaking of Adventism (F. M. Huizenga)  3:23

Pinnock, Clark H., Truth on fire: the message of Galatians (H. Vanden Heuvel)  3:22

Power, P. B., Book of comfort for those in sickness (J. M. Julien)  11:24

Reformed Fellowship of Canada, Four essays on the confessions (J. Byker)  10:23

Ryle, J. C., Holiness, its nature, hindrances, difficulties and roots (S. Viss)  5:23

Somerville, Robert B., Help for hotliners (L. Greenway)  4:23

Spencer, Duane Edward, Tulip (F. Van Houten)  5:24

Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, All-round ministry: addresses to ministers and students (J. M. Julien)  1:24

Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, Complete in Christ; Love’s logic (G. Vander Riet)  11:24 Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, Seven wonders of grace (H. Harnden)  5:24

Steinmann, Friedd and Kohl, Dieter, Jonah and Noah (J. Vander Ploeg  2:23

Swete, Henry Barclay, Commentary on Revelation (H. Vanden Heuvel)  3:21

Taylor, E. L. Hebden, New legality (J. Gray1:21

Thane, Elsworth, Strength of the hills (M. M. Schoolland)  11:23

Toon, Peter, Development of doctrine in the church (P. DeJong)  3:20

Tyler, Bennet and Bonar, Andrew, Life and labours of Asahel Nettleton (J. M. Julien)  10:23

Vande Hulst, W. G., My favorite story book (Mrs. L. Greenway)  3:22

Vande Hulst, W. G., Pierre and his friends (Mrs. L. Greenway)  3:21

Vanden Berg, Frank, Abraham Kuyper (J. Hall)  10:24

Vanderwall, Cornelis, Hal Lindsey and Biblical prophecy (L. Kerkstra)  8:22

Veldkamp, Herman, Waiting for Christ’s return (H. Vanden Heuvel)  1:22

Ward, Rowland S., Spiritual gifts in the apostolic church (J . Gray)  1:23

Weeber, George G., Consummation of history – a study of the book of Revelation (K. Gunnink)  4:23

Whitcomb, John C. and DeJong, Donald B., Moon, its creation, form and significance (J. Vander Ploeg)  8:23

Williams, J. B., Lives of Philip and Matthew Henry (J. M. Julien)  10:23

Winslow, Octavius, Personal declension and revival of religion in the soul (H. Hollander)  1:24

Yoder, John Howard, Politics of Jesus (A. C. DeJong)  2:24