Index for Volume Fourteen, No. 1-10

The bracketed capital letters indicate the following departments: (SB) – Settled and Binding; (UCS) – Under Church Spires; (VP) –Viewpoint


De Jong, Peter – “Some Secrets of Calvinist Success in the Netherlands”, No. 8, Page 4


De Jong, Peter Y. – “God’s Word for Today’s World” (VP), No. 4, Page 3 De Jong, Peter Y. – “No Coals to Newcastle” (VP), No. 5, Page 4 De Jong Peter Y. – “We Ought to Tell the Whole Truth” (VP), No. 3, Page 3 De Jong Peter Y. – “When Two Say the Same Thing” (UCS), No. 5, Page 19 Kistemaker, Simon – “How it all Began”, No. 4, Page 7 Palmer, Edwin H. – “Clearing Away Some Misunderstandings”, No. 8, Page 13 Palmer, Edwin H. – “Did God Dictate His Word?”, No. 3, Page 14 Palmer, Edwin H. – “How Reliable is the Bible?”, No. 2, Page 17 Palmer, Edwin H. – “The Language Which the Bible Uses”, No. 5, Page 22 Palmer, Edwin H. – “What Verbal Inspiration is not!”, No. 10, Page 8

BIBLE AND OUR LIFE (Outlines for discussion)

Piersma, John H. – “Holy Scripture: A Lamp Unto Our Feet”, No. 5, Page 28 Piersma, John H. – “The Bible and the Institution of Government”, No. 5, Page 29 Piersma, John H. – “The Bible and the National State”, No. 6, Page 18 Piersma, John H. – “The Church and the Kingdom of God”, No. 7, Page 18 Piersma, John H. – “The Confessing Church”, No. 9, Page 20 Piersma, John H. – “Government and the Church”, No. 9, Page 20 Piersma, John H. – “Freedom of Conscience”, No. 9, Page 21 Piersma, John H. – “Culture”, No. 10, Page 20 Piersma, John H. – “The School”, No. 10, Page 20

BIBLE LESSONS (See “Revelation”)


“Calvin on our Duty Towards the Church”, No. 8, Page 3

Klooster, Fred H. – “The Reformation and Theology”, No. 9, Page 11

Praasma, Louis – “Calvin and his Contributions to the Reformation”, No. 6, Page 4

CHRISTIAN FAMILY (Outlines for discussion)

De Jong Peter Y. – “Are our Families Becoming Failures?”, No 5, Page 29 De Jong Peter Y. – “Foundations for the Christian Family”, No. 6, Page 20 De Jong Peter Y. – “Sin and the Family”, No. 6, Page 20 De Jong Peter Y. – “Christ Sets the Home Straight”, No. 6, Page 21 De Jong Peter Y. – “The Threefold Purpose of Marriage”, No. 7, Page 20 De Jong Peter Y. – “Preparing for a Happy Marriage”, No. 7, Page 21 De Jong Peter Y. – “Husband: Door-mat, Boss or Head?”, No. 9, Page 22 De Jong Peter Y. – “Who Can Find a Worthy Woman?”, No. 9, Page 23 De Jong Peter Y. – “Taking the Home Temperature”, No. 10, Page 21 De Jong Peter Y. – “Discipline in a Undisciplined Age”, No. 10, Page 22


De Jong, Alexander C. – “Thanksgiving and the Cup of Salvation”, No. 9, Page 6 De Jong, Peter Y. – “Solid Joy” (USC), No. 4, Page 13 De Jong Peter Y. – “We Ought to Tell the Whole Truth” (VP), No. 3, Page 3

Heerema, Edward – “Let’s Talk about Spiritual Things” (VP), No. 3, Page 3 Heerema, Edward – “Strange Fire on the Altar” (VP), No. 5, Page 3

Meeter, Merle – “A Pilgrimage from Fear to Faith”, No. 7, Page 10

Synod of 1928 – “Living as Christians” (SB), No. 4, Page 6

Vanden Heuvel, Henry – “Capitulation or Dedication?” (VP), No. 6, Page 3


De Jong, Peter Y. – “It Seemed Good to the Holy Spirit and to Us” (Report, Synod of 1964), No. 6, Page 13 De Jong, Peter Y. – “Needed: Wide-Awake Elders”, No. 9, Page 4

Monsma, Nicholas J. – “Genesis, Evolution and the Churches” (II), No. 8, Page 15 Monsma, Nicholas J. – “What Will Engage Synod’s Attention?”, No. 5, Page 23

Vanden Heuvel, Henry – “Alarming Statistics: Why?”, No. 5, Page 10

Vander Ploeg, Nicholas – “The Calling and Tenure of Pastors”, No. 9, Page 18


De Jong, Peter Y. – “Church and Classis in Conflict” (UCS), No. 5, Page 19 De Jong, Peter Y. – “Needed: Wide-Awake Elders”, No. 9, Page 4 De Jong, Peter Y. – “Revival in Rijsbergen?” (UCS), No. 10, Page 14

Piersma, John H. – “Church Discipline”, No. 3, Page 8 Piersma, John H. – “The Church is Able to Discipline”, No. 4, Page 11 Piersma, John H. – “The Purity of the Church”, No. 7, Page 13 Piersma, John H. – “What the Bible Says About Church Discipline”(I), No. 5, Page 5 Piersma, John H. – “What the Bible Says About Church Discipline”(II), No. 6, Page 6 Piersma, John H. – “What the Bible Says About Church Discipline”(III), No. 8, Page 10

Vander Ploeg, Nicholas – “The Calling and Tenure of Pastors”, No. 8, Page 18


De Jong, Peter – “Some Secrets of Calvinist Success in the Netherlands”, No. 8, Page 4

Praasma, Louis – “Calvin and his Contributions to the Reformation”, No. 6, Page 4


Bruinsma, Henry A. – “Of Men and of Angels”, No. 10, Page 5


Van Til, Nick R. – “Prophetic Dialecticism” (VP), No. 1, Page 6


Van Til, N.R., and Morris, H.M. on “The Twilight of Evolution”, No. 7, Page 22


Kuiper, R.B. – “Proclaiming the Five Points of Calvinism” (VP), No. 5, Page 3

Leetsma, Rein – “Quia or Quantenus?” (VP), No. 3, Page 3

Nicole, Roger – “A Modest Contribution on the Four-hundredth Anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism”, No. 6, Page 10

Rushdoony, Rousas J. – “Revolution within the Form” (VP), No. 9, Page 4


De Jong, Peter Y. – “Are There Winds of Change within Rome?” (UCS), No. 4, Page 12

Piersma, John H. – “The Girod-Oggel Debate on Church Merger”, No. 1, Page 18


Brown, Ronald P. – “The High Destiny of Christian Education”, No. 7, Page 5

Heerema, Edward – “Is This Sound Pedagogy?” (VP), No. 7, Page 3 Heerema, Edward –“Strange Fire on the Altar” (VP), No. 5, Page 3

Huissen, Chris – “Christianizing the Public Schools?” (VP), No. 7, Page 3 Huissen, Chris – “Exit God! Enter the Police!” (VP), No. 6, Page 3 Huissen, Chris – “I Could Not Believe it!” (VP), No. 10, Page 3

Leetsma, Rein – “Are Catechetical Classes Obsolete?”, No. 7, Page 8


De Jong, Peter Y. – “Aquinas of the Atomic Age?” (UCS), No. 10, Page 13

Monsma, Nicholas J.  – “Christianity and the Problems of Origins”, No. 10, Page 15 Monsma, Nicholas J. – “Genesis, Evolutionism and the Churches” (I), No. 7, Page 15 Monsma, Nicholas J. – “Genesis, Evolutionism and the Churches” (II), No. 8, Page 15


Bergsma, Stuart – “Speaking with Tongues” (I), No. 9, Page 8 Bergsma, Stuart – “Speaking with Tongues” (II), No. 10, Page 9

Kooistra, Remkes – “I Would That Ye All Spake With Tongues But…I”, No. 8, Page 8


De Jong, Alexander C. – “Thanksgiving and the Cup of Salvation”, No. 9, Page 7

Nicole, Roger – “A Modest Contribution on the Four-hundredth Anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism”, No. 6, Page 10


Stek, John H. – “Historiography and the History of Israel”, No. 9, Page 16

INSPIRATION (See BIBLE, articles by Edwin H. Palmer)


De Jong, Peter Y. – “Testifying Before Kings and Governors” (UCS), No. 5, Page 18

Piersma, John H. – “Actions Speaking Louder Than Words?” (VP), No. 10, Page 3


Meeter, Merle – “A Pilgrimage from Fear to Faith”, No. 7, Page 10

Ten Harmsel, Henrietta – “Blood Sweat: A Lenten Meditation”, No. 4, Page 4 Ten Harmsel, Henrietta – “Jacobus Revius: Dutch Reformed Poet”, No. 3, Page 8


Dykstra, Allan – “The ‘Offering’ of the Benediction”, No. 3, Page 10


De Jong, Alexander C. – “The Sermon…the Sender…the Sinner”, No. 2, Page 7

De Jong, Peter – “Cunningham on ‘Calvinistic Universalism’”, No. 4, Page 15

Kuiper, R.B. – “Some Conclusions as to the Love of God”, No. 5, Page 12

La Maire, Martin – “Election, God’s Love and the Universal Offer”, No. 5, Page 6

Nicole, Roger – “A Modest Contribution on the Four-hundredth Anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism”, No. 6, Page 10


De Jong, Peter – “Formula for Gratitude”, No. 9, Page 3

Guillaume, Francois – “As the New Year Begins” (Hab. 3:2), No. 1, Page 16

Julien, Jerome – “Unfailing Promises” (Luke 1:54,55)


Leetsma, Rein – “Are Catechetical Classes Obsolete?”, No. 7, Page 8

Piersma, John H. – “Retreading the Retired” (VP), No. 3, Page 4


Brondsma, Samuel – “Evangelistic Approach”, No. 6, Page 17

De Jong Peter Y. – “Can Any Good Come Our of Mexico?” (UCS), No. 2, Page 15 De Jong Peter Y. – “The Power of God Unto Salvation” (UCS), No. 5, Page 18

Hijaya, Itsuro – “The Witness of the Japanese Christians”, No. 3, Page 5

Meyer, Edward – “Roman Catholicism in a Changing Latin America”, No. 8, Page 11

Monsma, Timothy – “New Frontiers, in Nigeria”, No. 5, Page 20

Nyenhuis, Gerald – “Planning for Mexico”, No. 6, Page 7


Kistemaker, Simon – “How It All Began”, No. 4, Page 7


Stek, John H. – “Historiography and the History of Israel”, No. 9, Page 16


Stingley, J. Michael – “Why an Orthodox Presbyterian Church?”, No. 3, Page 17


Editorial Comm: – “John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1917–1963”, No. 1, Page 3

Palmer, Edwin H. – “Tragedy?”, No. 1, Page 4

Piersma, John H. – “Pastor, Preacher, Writer, Editor, Professor” (VP), No. 6, Page 3


De Jong, Peter Y. – “Aquinas of the Atomic Age?” (UCS), No. 10, Page 13

Van Til, Nick R. – “Prophetic Dialecticism” (VP), No. 1, Page 6 Van Til, Nick R. – “Tilting with Tillich” (VP), No. 4, Page 3


Anonymous – “Under an Eastern Sky”, No. 3, Page 4

Kuizema, Elsie D. – “A Bundle of Life”, No. 7, Page 13 Kuizema, Elsie D. – “A Glimpse of Suffering”, No. 4, Page 20 Kuizema, Elsie D. – “Christmas Message”, No. 10, Page 7 Kuizema, Elsie D. – “Greeting for the New Year”, No. 1, Page 5 Kuizema, Elsie D. – “Meet the Shepherds”, No. 10, Page 17 Kuizema, Elsie D. – “My Nature Lesson”, No. 8, Page 9 Kuizema, Elsie D. – “Was That the Price?”, No. 4, Page 14

Meeter, Merle – “If, Then Why?”, No. 6, Page 2 Meeter, Merle – “Scene Strife in the Garden”, No. 3, Page 11

Palmer, Edwin H. – “Tragedy?”, No. 1, Page 4

Revius, Jacobus – “Bloedige sweet”, No. 3, Page 9


De Jong, Peter Y. – “The Christian and the Coming Election” (VP), No. 7, Page 4

Vander Kam, Henry – “What is Extremism?” (VP), No. 9, Page 4


De Jong, Alexander C. – “The Sermon…the Sender…the Sinner”, No. 2, Page 7

Kuiper, R.B. – “Preaching the Five Points of Calvinism” (VP), No. 5, Page 3

La Maire, Martin – “Election, God’s Love and the Universal Offer”, No. 5, Page 6

Synod of 1924: “A Pastoral Directive for Preaching” (SB), No. 3, Page 16

Tuininga, Simon – “Clowns in the Pulpit?”, No. 10, Page 18

Van Groningen, George – “The Wrath of God”, No. 2, Page 10


Bergsma, Stuart – “Speaking with Tongues” (I), No. 9, Page 8 Bergsma, Stuart – “Speaking with Tongues” (II), No. 10, Page 9

De Jong, Peter Y. – “The Christian and his Guilt-Complex (UCS), No. 9, Page 15


Hoekstra, Dennis – “More on Social Acceptance of the Negro”, No. 2, Page 4


De Jong, Peter – “Some Secrets of Calvinist Success in the Netherlands”, No. 8, Page 4

Praasma, Louis – “Calvin and his Contributions to the Reformation”, No. 6, Page 4


De Jong, Peter Y. – “A Novelist Speaks on Religious Liberty” (UCS), No. 2, Page 16 De Jong, Peter Y. – “Are There Winds of Change in Rome?”, No. 4, Page 12 De Jong, Peter Y. – “Renewal in Rome?” (UCS), No. 9, Page 14 De Jong, Peter Y. – “Rome Also has her Problems” (UCS), No. 4, Page 13 De Jong, Peter Y. – “The Vatican Council and the Cult of Mary” (UCS), No. 2, Page 15

Meyer, Edward – “Roman Catholicism in a Changing Latin America”, No. 8, Page 11


“A Pastoral Directive for Preaching”, No. 10, Page 19 “Correspondence with Other Churches” (I), No. 3, Page 16 “On the Inspiration of the Scriptures”, No. 2, Page 10



De Jong, Peter Y. – “1963 – A Year to Remember”, No. 1, Page 17

Editorial Committee – “John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1917–1963”, No. 1, Page 3

Kuiper, R.B. – “The Paradox of Human Government” (VP), No. 1, Page 5 (see also: BIBLE AND OUR LIFE)


Hendriksen, William – “Postmillennialism”, No. 2, Page 22 Hendriksen, William – “Premillennialism”, No. 2, Page 21

Klooster, Fred H. – “The Reformation and Theology”, No. 9, Page 11

LaMaire, Martin – “Christ’s Particular Love Shown by His Atoning Death”, No. 3, Page 12

Monsma, Nicholas J. “Teaching Theology in an Era of Change”, No. 1, Page 12

Van Til, Nicholas R. – “Tilting with Tillich” (VP), No. 4, Page 3


Bruce, F.F. – “Israel and the Nations”, No. 9, Page 16, John H. Stek

Bruce, F.F. – “The Epistle of Paul to the Romans”, No. 9, Page 22, Wm. Hendriksen

Bruggink, John H. et. al. – “Guilt, Grace and Gratitude”, No. 3, Page 24, E.H. Oostendorp

Calvin, John – “Epistles of First and Second Peter”, No. 6, Page 23, E.H. Oostendorp

Calvin, John – “Epistle to the Hebrews”, No. 6, Page 23, E.H. Oostendorp

“Christian Perspectives – Series 1963”, No. 3, Page 22, Alexander C. De Jong

Clark, Gordon H. – “William James”, No. 4, Page 23, Nick R. Van Til

Douty, Norman F. – “Another Look at Seventh Day Adventism”, No. 9, Page 23, Chris Huissen

Foulkes, F. – “The Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians”, No. 9, Page 22, Wm. Hendriksen

Gerstner, Edna – “Idelette”, No. 3, Page 23, Thelma Vander Hoven

Heynen, Ralph – “The Art of the Christian Living”, No. 4, Page 21, William Vander Hoven

Hoekema, Anthony – “The Four Major Cults”, No. 9, Page 20, Charles Greenfield

Hughes, Philip E. – “Christianity and the Problem of Origins”, No. 10, Page 15, Nicholas J. Monsma

Kevan, Ernest F. – “Salvation”, No. 4, Page 24, E.H. Oostendorp

Leavell, Roland A. – “Prophetic Preaching – Then and Now”, No. 9, Page 24, George Gritter

Lightfoot, Neil R. – “How We Got the Bible”, No. 9, Page 23, Chris Huissen

Marcel, Pierre Ch. – “The Relevance of Preaching”, No. 6, Page 23, George Gritter

Martin, James P. – “The Last Judgment in Protestant Theology”, No. 9, Page 22, Wm. Hendriksen

McGavran, Huegel and Taylor – “Church Growth in Mexico”, No. 9, Page 21, Leonard Greenway

Molenaar, D.G. – “De Doop met de Heilige Geest”, No. 6, Page 22, Chris Huissen

Morris, Henry M.  – “The Twilight of Evolution”, No. 5, Page 23, Rousas J. Rushdoony

Murray, John – “The Atonement”, No. 6, Page 24, Chris Huissen

Pfeiffer, Charles F. – “The Dead Sea Scrolls”, No. 10, Page 24, Willis P. De Boer Pfeiffer, Charles F. – “Ras Shamra and the Bible”, No. 5, Page 24, John Stek Pfieffer, Charles F. – “Tell el Amarna and the Bible”, No. 10, Page 24, Willis P. De Boer

Ramm, Bernard – “The Christian College in the Twentieth Century”, No. 1, Page 24, R.B. Kuiper

Ramsay, William H. – “The Letters to the Seven Churches”, No. 2, Page 24, Chris Huissen

Ridderbos, N.H. – “Beschouwingen over Genesis 1”, No. 4, Page 22, Nicholas J. Monsma

Robinson, Wm. Childs – “The Reformation: Rediscovery of Grace”, No. 4, Page 22, E.H. Oostendorp

Rushdoony, Rousas J. – “The Messianic Character of American Education”, No. 9, Page 21, Cornelius Joarsma

Tenney, Merrill C. – “The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary”, No. 9, Page 24, Bert Bratt

Thornwell – “Election and Reprobation”, No. 6, Page 24, Chris Huissen

Wallace, Ronald S. – “Many Things in the Parables and Gospel Miracles”, No. 6, Page 22, George Gritter

Warfield, B.B. – “Limited Atonement”, No. 6, Page 24, Chris Huissen

Watts, J.W. – “A Distinctive Translation of Genesis”, No. 4, Page 21, John H. Stek

Wetherly, Owen M. – “The Ten Commandments in Modern Perspective”, No. 2, Page 24, Chris Huissen

White, Reginald O. – “Apostle Extraordinary”, No. 9, Page 22, Gerald Terpstra

Wolthuis, Enno – “God, Science and You”, No. 2, Page 11, Nicholas J. Monsma