In Memoriam: Mr. Sidney De Young

With the sudden death of Mr. De Young the Reformed Fellowship lost its highly valued vice president. Rev. J. Julien, pastor of the First CR Church of Pella, Iowa, who also served with him on the Fellowship Board has consented to write this tribute.

There is a strange beauty in the funeral of a Christian. It is not free of grief of course. No one enjoys missing a loved one. It is a sharp cut when death severs from him. However, the Christian’s funeral is merely a ceremony marking the translation of a member of the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant. Its strangeness, as far as the world is concerned, comes in the second victory which rings through that ceremony because of what our Savior Jesus Christ has done.

On February 1 such a ceremony was held. Several days before—Sunday, in fact, Mr. Sidney De Young was ushered into the REST of which that Sunday was only an earthly emblem. The emphasis in that ceremony was on victory. Mr. Dick Cootjes concluded the service playing “The Hallelujah Chorus” on the organ, at the request of the family. Do they grieve? Of course. A husband, father, grandfather, brother is no longer with them. But knowing the comfort of the Lord they do not sorrow as those who have no hope. The Rev. Richard Veldman, long-time friend of Mr. De Young, opened God’s Word, speaking on II Corinthians 5:1–10. At one point he said that if Sid could know what was taking place there at the funeral he would say, “I feel so sorry for you” because for him “the sigh of death has merged into the Song of Moses and the Lamb.”

Growing up in a godly Covenant home where the Word was central, he learned early to confess that his sins were great and that were it not for the wonder of God’s grace in salvation he would have no hope. How precious God’s Sovereign Grace was to him!

Through that training in his Covenant home he learned the importance of the Church. Through his life he actively served the Lord in that Church he loved. After spending his earliest years in the Dennis Avenue and Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Churches of Grand Rapids, he spent his remaining and very fruitful years in the First Protestant Reformed and Faith Christian Reformed Churches of the same city. In both congregations he served in the office of elder. In the First Church he also served as deacon. For some twelve years he served on the Christian Reformed Board of Foreign Missions, several of those years as treasurer. More recently he was able to serve the Lord on the Board of the Reformed Fellowship. Always he was known for his positive testimony and spiritual graces. His advice showed the beautiful Covenant upbringing that had been the Lord’s blessing to him. I often benefited from his spiritual advice while serving seven years as his pastor at Faith Church.

In the business world he also made an impact, giving testimony of his faith in Jesus Christ. Before retirement he served as one of the Vice Presidents of the Union Bank and Trust Company.

How he loved to hear the Word preached—and how he loved to study it. That Word brought music to his soul. His joy was based on what God in His Sovereign mercy had done. What happy fellowship he knew with those of like faith.

The truth of God’s Covenant was precious to him, too. He early learned to love it. 1n God‘s mercy he and Mrs. De Young raised three children. Before the Lord called him home he was able to rejoice in the birth of his flrst great-grandchild. They were ever in his prayers. What spiritual benefit was theirs as their father led them in the way of God’s Covenant!

When our children heard that “Grandpa” De Young had been called home to his Lord, they said, “Now we won‘t hear him sing in church anymore.” He loved to sing of the lovingkindness of the Lord! No, children, loved ones, you who came to know Mr. De Young as a father, husband, spiritual father and friend, you will not hear him sing in church anymore. Now he is singing the Song of Moses and the Lamb!

All glory be to God!