In Loving Memory of Professor Louis Berkhof

We were deeply shocked by the tidings that Professor Louis Bcrkhof, Emeritus President of Calvin Seminary, passed away suddenly on Saturday morning, May 19, at the age of 83.

The members of Reformed Fellowship lnc. tender to the bereaved widow and children and other relatives their heartfelt sympathy in their loss.

Since this issue of torch and trumpet is ready for the press we have no space to give adequate expression to our appreciation of the unique place which Professor Berkhof has filled in the Christian Reformed Church and of the inestimable value of his labor for the Kingdom of God. More will be said about him in the July/August issue of this periodical.

Professor Berkhof was a man who had many talents. He was outstanding as teacher, preacher, and author. After serving two of our churches amI spending two years at Princeton Seminary for postgraduate study, he began his long career as professor at Calvin Seminary in 1906. Thirty-eight years of indefatigable labor were spent at this institution. At first ho taught all the branches that are usually taught by those who teach Old Testament and New Testament but later occupied the chair of Dogmatics, serving with distinction in this field.

one of our leaders has made a greater contribution to Reformed theology than Professor Berkhof. He was a prolific writer, twenty-two books in all having come from his pen, besides a vast number of articles which he contributed to our church papers. His leading work, Systematic Theology. has been translated into several languages and lIsed in a number of Seminaries and Bible schools.

We are grateful to God for all that Professor Berkhof has done for Church and Kingdom.