The 17th meeting of Classis Southwest U.S. was held in Ripon, California, “The Almond Capital of the World,” June 26, 2006. Delegates from nineteen organized churches came together as the broader assembled to examine a man for ordination, candidacy, deal with an overture, as well give concurring advice to several churches in their labors to maintain the three marks of a true church.
The first order of business were two successful examinations. Mr. Steve Oeverman, whom the Escondido URC called to be an Associate Minister of the Word and Sacraments, sustained his ordination exam, and Mr. Nollie Malabuyo sustained three sections of the candidacy exam in which Classis requested re-examination in June 2005.
The growth of Classis SWUS was again on the agenda. The consistory of the Escondido URC overtured Classis to give its concurring advice according to Church Order article 22 in the organization of the Christ URC (Santee, CA). Since its inception as a Bible study in July 2003, the Christ URC has grown to over 40 families under the leadership of Rev. Michael Brown.
Classis also received for information that the Coram Deo Reformation Church (Denver, CO) has applied for membership in Classis SWUS and is now under the oversight of the Calvary United Reformed Church (Loveland, CO). Classis looks forward to Coram Deo’s pastor, Rev. Carl Heuss, undergoing his colloquim doctum in January as well as the official reception of this church. Furthermore, Classis welcomed the pastor and an elder from the Reformation Church of Montague, CA as guests seeking a federation with which to affiliate.
An ad hoc committee of four ministers also presented their report on various questions concerning two worship services that a consistory presented to Classis in January. Finally, Classis gave its advice to two congregations in discipline matters and gave advice and counsel to another congregation that has only one active elder.
The next meeting of classis will be hosted by the Grace Evangelical Church (Torrance, CA), on January 16–17, 2006.
Respectfully submitted, Rev. Daniel R. Hyde, Clerk