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Christmas Peace

This is the season of Christmas. Many of you are sending and receiving Christmas cards. Perhaps the most recurring theme on these cards is “Peace on earth.” This is a popular phrase with believers and unbelievers alike for a reason. “Peace” is something all human beings crave even though they may differ substantially on their definition of that “peace” and on their method of obtaining that “peace.”

All decent citizens nrc uncomfortable with the moral disintegration, the physical and emotional suffering and the apparent uncertain destiny of man in today’s world. At this season of the year there is an expectant spirit afloat which hopes that somehow, someway, the soft light of candles, the soothing strains of music and the spirit of gentleness and goodwill can he generated among all men all over the world bringing a peace sufficient to solve all the problems for the coming year. What the people fail to see or accept is the source and the path of peace.

In announcing the birth of our Savior, the angels sang it and sang it: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!”

Why did the angels sing “Glory to God?” They sang it because God is a God of truth, of power, of grace.

God is truth because He keeps His word. All through the Old Testament He promised a Savior and this night that Savior was born.

God is power because on this night “The great Creator became our Saviour, and all God’s fullnes . . . dwelleth in Him!”

God is grace because on this night God’s love paid God’s justice. There are very few people who would exonerate a judge who dismissed a criminal from punishment with the words “Don‘t do it again.” Justice demands that sin be punished, for God demands it. But out of pure grace, He punished Himself by placing Himself this night in a cradle under the shadow of a cross.

And because we can sing “Glory to God (the God of truth, power and grace) in the Highest,” it is possible to have true “peace among men.”

To this world of perpetual conflict between nations and races, labor and management, husbands and wives, parents and children, the angels sing “Peace.”

Why arent men finding that “peace” today? It is because they are singing “Glory to man in the highest.” Vainly they gather churchmen together in ecumenical councils only to find they cannot even agree on who Jesus Christ is. Vainly they set up race commissions which force integration instead of inspiring true unity in Jesus Christ. Vainly they offer marriage counseling which hurts more than it heals. Vainly they establish a United Nations which has an empty stump in its chapel to accommodate the gods of many nations.

To have “peace among men” there must first be “Glory to God.” Then God bestows that peace upon “men in whom He is wellpleased.” Those who arc well-pleasing to God are those who have been redeemed by the Son of God whose birth we celebrate.

If you are one of the redeemed, the Savior‘s benediction rests upon you in this season and always: “Peace I leave with you, my peace give I unto you, not as the world giveth unto you. Let not your heart he troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).