Book Reviews

The Comprehensive Bible Concordance ED. A. CLARKE Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan, 284 pages, $3.50.

This concordance first appeared over a hundred years ago. It is a handy tool, compact enough to be slipped into a brief case, hence very usable for Bible students and teachers. All key words of Scripture arc listed from Aaron to Zuzim. No family should be without such an aid to Bible study.

The Speaker’s Sourcebook of 4,000 Illustrations, Quotations, etc. by ELEANOR DOAN Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1960, 304 pages, $3.95

This book of illustrations, sayings, quotations, anecdotes, poems, attention-getters and sentence-sermons, purports to be the collection of n private individual with the intention of being helpful rather than scholarly. The appeal is to the heart as well as the mind. The idea is that an ounce of illustration is worth a ton of talk. This is a good book for the church library so that tile members of the church who feel the need of jarring their imagination to work on a speech or article may have access to something which is not ordinarily found in the home.

The Emphasized Bible by JOSEPH BRYANT ROTHERHAM Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan, 1959, ca. 1200 pages, $12.95

This translation is “designed to set forth the exact meaning, the proper terminology, and the graphic style of the sacred original.” As such it claims to be unique, “giving the English reader the same advantage as the student of Hebrew or Greek… The striking arrangement of the pages reveals at glance the structure of the sentences and the scope of the paragraphs, with narrative, biblical speech, parallelism, and a logical analysis all available on the same page with the text…”

This Bible will not serve well for public reading since the translation is actually literal, though this is of great advantage to the careful student who is seeking for exactness of meaning. I recommend it to Bible students, to teachers and laymen who are seeking greater insight into the things of God.