A Word from the Reformed Fellowship Board President

For more than sixty years, Reformed Fellowship has dedicated itself to the propagation and defense of the Reformed faith. Christians committed to and concerned about the Reformed faith have given of their prayers, their time, their talents, and their finances to make that possible. They have read The Outlook and the various books and have used the Bible study materials published by Reformed Fellowship. The Lord has richly blessed Reformed Fellowship throughout these many years. But is Reformed Fellowship and The Outlook magazine still relevant and effective in our present age?

The Reformed Fellowship board is thankful and encouraged that in 2012, ten thousand books and more than three thousand copies of Life in Christ catechism books were shipped out. This was the second year that the catechism curriculum was available through Reformed Fellowship, in cooperation with First United Reformed Church of Chino, California, which produces it. The Chino consistory has since received requests to translate the catechism material into foreign languages as well.

Also throughout 2012, the Reformed Fellowship board received various requests to translate some of our books into foreign languages. In addition, the board has entertained requests to reproduce some articles that were published in The Outlook, and some of those requests were from foreign countries. The board is encouraged and excited that Reformed Fellowship is being used to promote the Reformed faith not only in North America but also throughout the world.

Like most other magazines, The Outlook has seen a decline in subscriptions. More than fifty subscriptions go to readers in foreign countries. To keep up with the times, the board has made it possible to have online subscriptions. Our editor continues to work diligently to provide excellent articles from various writers.

In the past year, Reformed Fellowship has also been able to make available its first publication of the United Reformed Church Directory. In addition, a new and sufficient supply of the blue Psalter Hymnal is available for those churches and individuals who continue to use them.

Henry Gysen has commendably served the Reformed Fellowship board as its president for a number of years while also serving as general manager. Henry has served the maximum time as a board member according to the by-laws but will continue to serve as general manager. He keeps the board abreast of modern technology so that we can exercise good stewardship, resulting in financial savings for the organization in its printing and distribution costs.

By increasing our membership and our readership, and with the resulting increase in revenue, Reformed Fellowship can continue promoting the Reformed faith throughout the world and publish additional books as opportunities are presented to us. For the propagation of the Reformed faith, you, our readers and members, can help by encouraging others to become members and also by promoting The Outlook. Let’s together be excited about promoting and defending the Reformed faith through Reformed Fellowship, even to the uttermost parts of the earth. To God be the glory for what He is doing through you and this small organization.

Myron Rau President, Reformed Fellowship Board