THE JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES AND PROPHETIC SPECULATION, by Edmond Charles Gruss. Presbyterian and Reformed, Nutley, N.J., 1972. 127 pp., S2.95 paper. Reviewed by Rev. Jerome Julien.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses, known for setting dates for the end of the world, have an erroneous way of looking at Biblical chronology. This, Gruss, a former Jehovah’s Witness, points out. He challenges them to test their system of thought by the Bible. This is a valuable contribution on one aspect of the Jehovah’s Witness error.
THE SEPARATED LIFE: A STUDY OF BASIC PRINCIPLES by Johannes G. Vos. Great Commission Publications, 7401 Old York Road, Philadelphia, P A 19126. 35 pages. $ .35. Reviewed by Rev. Jerome Julien, pastor of the First Christian Re· formed Church of Pella, Iowa.
A penny a page—and worth much more! This booklet gives a Biblically-oriented approach to the Christian life. What ought to be the Christian’s attitude toward the world? World flight and worldly indulgence are both answers—and bad ones at that! Vos gives the Biblical answer. He writes, for example: “Many of those who today are so zealous for human ordinances about things indifferent fall into the error of the Galatians, who supposed that the Christian life is begun in the Spirit, but perfected in the flesh (Gal. 3:3), begun by the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit, but completed by human efforts, actions and abstinences” (p. 29).
Perhaps this would be a valuable book for small discussion groups, besides being valuable for our general reading.
A LIFTING UP FOR THE DOWNCAST, by William Bridge. Edinburgh, Banner of Truth, 1979. 287 pp. $3.95, paper. Reviewed by Rev. Jerome Julien.
These thirteen sermons on Psalm 42:11, preached in London in 1648, fully explain the meaning and application of this familiar text. The purpose of these messages is to give the comfort of Jesus Christ where there is deep discouragement and despair.