J. Gresham Machen

Like the apostle Paul, Dr. Machen was a man dedicated to the “defense” as well as the “confirmation” of the gospel. In his sermon on “Shall we Defend the Faith?” he says, “I believe with all my soul in the necessity of Christian apologetics, the necessity of a reasoned defense of the Christian Faith, and […]

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J. Gresham Machen

Dr. Gordon A. MacLennan, a Presbyterian minister, once paid tribute to J. Gresham Machen at a Westminster Theological Seminary dinner. He said, “What is it in Dr. Machen that stands out above everything else? I have given much thought to my own question. To me the answer does not lie in his scholarship, or in […]

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Calvin’s Doctrine of Scripture

In recent discussions about the Bible appeals have repeatedly been made to John Calvin in effort to defend higher critical views. Reprinting this lecture which Professor John Murray of Westminster Theological Seminary gave in 1959 under the auspices of the Reformed Fellowship should clear up confusion on that matter and help us to see more clearly […]

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Freedom in Education

In his 1962 Congressional Message President Kennedy quoted the proverb that “Civilization is a race between education and catastrophe.” In his 1963 Message he declared that “today the choice in the world is not between communism and capitalism; it is between compulsion and freedom of choice.” It would be fortunate if the direct relationship between both statements were made clear […]

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The Board of Trustees of Westminster Theological Seminary in California has named the Rev. Dr. W. Robert Godfrey to become the third President of the school. Godfrey, who has been Professor of Church History at the seminary since 1981, will begin his service as president on June 1, 1993. He succeeds Robert G. den Dulk […]

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A Testimony to Our Time

Teachers of Christ’s church are called to “contend for the faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3) by addressing the challenges to the faith that arise in each generation. The board and faculty of Westminster Seminary in California confess our faith in the Sovereign God who has revealed himself in his creation, in Christ […]

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Church & World October 1994

Second Woman Pastor to Serve Christian Reformed Church • Mary-Lee Bouma to “teach, expound the Word of God, and provide pastoral care” as unordained solo pastor of Trinity CRC, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan (September 2, 1994) RBPS – On Sunday, August 28, 1994, Mary-Lee Bouma became the second female pastor in the 300,320-member Christian Reformed denomination, […]

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