CALVIN THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL November, 1966 Calvin Theological Seminary, 3233 Burton St., S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49506, Subscription Price: $2.00 per year I find it tempting to comment critically upon the contents of this 125 page issue, but this is not the place spacious enough to allow such reaction. May 1 simply point to the main […]
REFLECTOR August American Reformed Church, P.O. Box 7321, Grand Rapids, Mich. Subscription Price: not mentioned This is the least impressive typographically of any Reformed periodical known to us (stenciled). We welcome its re-appearance, however, after some months of absence from the journalistic scene. Rev. A. B. Roukema, pastor of the Grand Rapids’ American Reformed Church, R. Faber and B. […]
BLUE BANNER FAITH AND LIFE July–September 3408 7th Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 $1.50 per year This is a quarterly “devoted to expounding, defending and applying the system of doctrine set forth in the Word of God and summarized in the standards of the Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanter) Church.” Its editor is well-known to readers of this journal […]