LESSON XIX – PART 1 Revelation 19:1–10 Read More Than Conquerors, pp. 213–217 REJOICING IN HEAVEN BECAUSE OF CHRIST’S VICTORY OVER THE HARLOT A. A GREAT MULTITUDE IN HEAVEN CELEBRATES CHRIST’S VICTORY OVER THE HARLOT, verses 1–3 This was probably a multitude of angels. The content of their wonderful Hallelujah-chorus emphasizes one point which is so often forgotten. […]

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LESSON XIX – PART 2 Rev. 19:11–21 Read More Than Conquerors, pp. 217–220 CHRIST’S VICTORY OVER THE BEASTS AND THEIR FOLLOWERS A. THE VICTOR UPON A WHITE HORSE, verses 11–16 As another section of the book is about to be concluded (chapters 17–19) the battle of Har Magedon is shown once more. That battle in […]

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