It has been customary in the history of theology to divide the Bible’s teaching about the future into two parts, the first dealing with the future of the individual believer and the second dealing with the future of the creation. These two divisions are sometimes termed “individual eschatology” and “general eschatology.”1 The first addresses such […]

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The Bible and the Future: The Intermediate State (II)

The Bible’s teaching about the “intermediate state,” the condition of believers between death and the resurrection of the body at Christ’s return, has been subject historically to differing viewpoints. Though there has been a general unanimity in the historic Christian church that believers enjoy a provisional and intensified communion with Christ upon death, a communion […]

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The Bible and the Future: The Intermediate State (III)

In two previous articles on the subject of the intermediate state, I have attempted to clear a pathway for presenting the positive biblical teaching on what becomes of believers in the state intermediate between death and the resurrection of the body on the last day. In the first article, the biblical teachings regarding physical death […]

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The Bible and the Future: The Intermediate State (III)

Students of the Protestant Reformation are acquainted with the story of Johann Tetzel, the German monk and seller of indulgences who provoked Luther’s ire and decision to affix his ninety-five theses to the door of the Castle church in Wittenberg, Germany. They may even recall the infamous slogan by which Tetzel advertised his indulgences: “The […]

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Resurrecting the Resurrection

One of the undoubted articles of our historic faith is surely the resurrection of the body. And it is my contention that in selecting this item of Biblical teaching rather than the destiny of the soul at death, the ancient creed that we know as “the Apostles’ Creed” correctly reflects the emphasis of the Bible. […]

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Death Swallowed Up By Life

2 Corinthians 4:16–5:8 “And he died…And he died…And he died…” (Genesis 5). The repeated refrain reverberates in our ears echoing the dreadful damnation, “For dust you are, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19). Death is the way of all the earth. Not one of us is free from the talons of this beast. […]

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