Imagebearers (II)

When white light is passed through a transparent prism, it is refracted into the many colors of the rainbow. It is an impressive demonstration of the beauty of God’s design in creation. Similarly when the Light of the world, Jesus Christ, shines through the life of a spiritually dead person, the image of God revives […]

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In His Own Image

There is something special about the sixth day of creation. In it God made livestock and wild animals. But He also did more. On this day, God created an image of Himself mankind. Man is the pinnacle of God’s creation. From here on in, throughout the Bible we read about this particular creation. We do […]

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Who am I? From where have I come? Where am I going? These questions have intrigued, or haunted, the mind of man for centuries. These perennial questions are making a comeback of sorts amid Generation-X and now Net-Gen men and women in our culture. After a generation of saying “God is dead,” and “if it […]

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