The four-hundredth anniversary of the most widely used Reformed catechism has been celebrated recently. The Heidelberg Catechism was commissioned by Frederick III, elector of the Palatinate, and published by him on January 19, 1563. Its chief authors were Zacharias Ursinus, a twenty-eight year old professor of theology at the University of Heidelberg, and Caspar Olevianus, a […]

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July 30–August 8, 1955 Detmold, Germany Upon inquiry the international committee has informed us that an “international congress for Reformed faith and action” will be held from July 30 to August 8 at Detmold, Germany. The general theme of the congress will be Man and World under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Delegates are expected from every continent in the world. The congress […]

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Paul Schneider, the Martyr of Buchenwald

Few in North America know the name of Paul Schneider, the first Protestant pastor murdered by the Nazis. Fewer still know the remarkable trial of faith that marked the life of this Reformed minister of the Gospel. From an early age, young Paul set his sights upon the ministry, listing “the pastorate” as his chosen […]

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