The Verhey Case: Dutton, G.R. East, Synod 1976

In this article, Rev. Harry Van Dyken discusses what has come to be known as the Verhey case. He writes: “Classis [Grand Rapids East] and Synod [1976] have both declared that a candidate holding the views alleged concerning Dr. Verhey can be ordained to the ministry and receive the approval of Synod.” Rev. Van Dyken […]

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More About the Dutton Appeal

In this article, Rev. Ring Star comments on the action of the 1976 CRC Synod pertaining to the appeal of the Dutton CRC consistory concerning the approval by Classis Grand Rapids East of Dr. Allen Verhey’s candidacy for the ministry; also, he comments specifically on the editorial writing in The Banner about this matter. Rev. […]

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