That there is a crisis in the church cannot be denied or ignored. Its character, however, is not easily assessed. Clarity on the fundamental issues is important. One speaks of crisis only when the fundamentals are attacked. “If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11. Today many of God’s people are […]

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The Sermon…The Sender…The Sinner

In spite of itching ears (II Timothy 4:3), shrinking numbers at a Sunday evening service, preachers more interested in entertaining than proclaiming, the sermon is still important. The sermon—many human words given meaning and power by a careful, prayerful study of God’s infallibly written Word—is an exciting event. When the lawfully called, properly ordained servant of […]

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How to Evade the Worship Wars

“The worship wars.” The very term sends shivers down many a church member’s spine. Although the phrase was probably coined with tongue in cheek, “war” is too often an apt description for the grim struggle many congregations have been facing in the past few decades. At the heart of the confrontation lies a debate over […]

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